Cold As Ice

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Cold as ice.
Screenshots belong to madsscreenshots on tumblr.

The bikini barely fit. It barely. Fit. It was a triangular bikini top with a matching bottom. The weather was gradually getting hotter. You were ready to play in the pool.

Kiryu watched you, finding himself grow incredibly warm. Unknowingly, he'd unbuttoned his T shirt and was now, innocently, eating an ice lolly. One on a wooden stick and was pink.

"It's nice to see you bring your girlfriend, Chairman."

"Hmm." Kiryu nodded, watching you intently.

You were being fussed by an incredible bunch of women. Oddly you expected some form of bitching. But you got none of it. They were all genuinely complimenting you, being nice to you.

"We all got the file & rank boys. You? You got the chairman himself!" One girl gushed.

It felt so weird being in the centre of attention. When you'd spent so long lingering behind for good reason. But...performing was your nature. So you kept everyone entertained and smiling. That was your vibrant nature. The same way the rank & file boys saw Kiryu as their idol and their chairman; it was the same for these girls.

Meanwhile, back at the table...

"Chairman...I hate to pry...but I've heard that the Jingweon Mafia have asked you to visit them in Seoul. Is this true?"

Kiryu turned back to the patriarch. Holding the wooden stick to his now eaten ice lolly between his teeth.

"Hmm." He nodded. "Not sure how I'll be received."

"Are you worried?"

"No." Kiryu answered within a flash. "I don't need to be."

The patriarch leant forward. "You know your father was a part of the Jingweon Massacre, don't you?"

"It's hard to forget." Kiryu reminded. "I see you've done well for yourself & continue to do so."

"Yes, thanks to your support." The patriarch bowed. "Do you have any plans for today?"

"No." Kiryu looked at you. "We might go back to Tokyo, everything being well."

"I wish you a safe journey."

No. Going back to Tokyo wasn't feasible at this present moment. There were no jets available with the amount of passengers and Kiryu wasn't prepared to travel commercially. For no other reason than the fact that he wanted to keep you safe.

You didn't complain. You enjoyed Hawaii. But, it was the latter part of the year which was notorious for tropical cyclones. Though the weather looked good and the sun was out, you'd both be stuck here a little longer than you anticipated.

"Chairman..." Kiryu's aide began, holding his phone in his hand. "I've just had word, there's been a storm warning issued."

Kiryu frowned. "A storm warning?"

The aide nodded. "The CPHC has issued a Kona Low warning. Flights are halted and local businesses are closed."

"Kona Low?"

"Yes. They're a type of seasonal storm that occur here in Hawaii. Cold core cyclones."

"How long for?"

"The storm hasn't made landfall yet. Heavy rains are expected as well as flash flooding. It's hard to say."

Kiryu then saw you sat outside, still enjoying the sun though it was growing ever so slightly overcast. "Call Kashiwagi-San."

And whilst the aide did that, Kiryu decided to have the conversation with you. Mainly about the fact that you'd both be stuck here but the weather wasn't going to be forgiving. Once again, he sat next to you on the sun lounger and you sat up to speak to him.

"Is everything okay?"

"We might be stuck here for a few days."

You frowned. "Why?" You felt a panic slowly brewing in your stomach.

"There's a storm about to make landfall. We won't be able to leave for a few days."

Kiryu knew you were hesitating...

"Our work here is practically finished." Kiryu further explained. "I'm not trying to keep you here deliberately."

"The weather doesn't seem too bad.." you skeptically mumbled.

The aide came in time. "Chairman, Kashiwagi-san is on the phone."

Kiryu stood up, taking the phone and putting it to his ear. Walking off and leaving you alone. Would he really stoop so low to lie about bad weather? He didn't think you were that stupid, surely. You went inside and turned on the news to see a weather report.

In more recent news the Hurricane, named Kenneth, is predicted to make landfall in a few days. Schools, universities and hospitality venues remain shut. All flights to and from Daniel K Inouye Airport are halted for the remainder of the week.

Residents of the city are advised to keep their doors shut and bring all animals inside to a safe space. It's also advised that residents of The Big Island especially follow this advice as Hurricane Kenneth is expected to hit the hardest there.

"Kiryu? Is everything okay?" Kashiwagi asked.

Kiryu was sat outside, smoking a cigarette. Looking out at the water which swelled with chaotic waves. The horizon was clear but the wind was almost invisible. He could feel it.

"I'm not going to be back in time, Kashiwagi-san."

"What? Is everything ok? Are you injured?"

"No. There's a storm here and flights are halted."

"There's no way you can come back? Let me see what I can do-."

"No, Kashiwagi-san. You won't be able to do anything. The airport here will not let anyone land or lift."


"I'm hoping to return soon." Kiryu pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please look after things for me, Kashiwagi-san."

The signal was abruptly cut, mainly on Kashiwagi's end. Kiryu then joined you inside where you watched the news with worry.

"I wasn't lying." He announced.

You turned to him. "I never said you were."

"You didn't need to." He grinned. "It's written on your face."

"I'm worried."


"Your animals. What if they get hurt?"

"They'll be fine." Kiryu reassured.

Only a matter of hours later did the storm make its landfall against where you were staying. It was then deemed that the stable wasn't actually safe due to how close it was to the shoreline. But moving now wasn't an option. You were deadlocked.

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