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You widened your eyes.

You decided to snap back.

"Were you on the phone last night?" You asked cheekily, drinking your green tea.

"I don't think so."

"Oh." You grinned. "I heard you groaning."

Kiryu laughed, joyously. His head thrown back and his Adam's apple bobbing up and down to indicate that the laugh came from his throat and chest. Not just his mouth. It was a deep laugh, a sexy one. One which showed off his side smile and gorgeously white teeth despite him smoking.

He then looked at you. "Yeah? It was a good nightmare. Though, I couldn't concentrate."

"Why not?"

"You were downstairs. Weren't you?"

"Yeah. How do you know that?"

"My eyes and ears are everywhere."

"Good to know. But I'm going to struggle being stuck here with you." You stood up, walking past him to go in the kitchen.

Just as you did that the door opened and Kiryu's aide appeared, letting you walk past into the kitchen. He was holding a phone with somebody waiting on the line. Kiryu was left alone at the table, scowling at the fact that you'd openly defied him like that. Your attitude needing fixing if you were going to be his girlfriend. It simply wouldn't do.

"Chairman..." the aide bowed. "I've got-."

"Were you with Y/N last night?" Kiryu asked. The chairman's questions took precedence over everything.

"Uhh...y-yes, sir."

"What did she say?"

The aide, in his confusion, ignored the question. Much to his mistake. He knew better than that. "I-I've got a P-patriarch on the phone for you..."

"I didn't ask you that." Kiryu wiped his mouth with his napkin and threw it on the table, shifting in his seat.

The aide hung up the phone, knowing that if the chairman was focusing on something else then his attention wouldn't divert till he got his satisfaction. Till his mind was ready to divert.

"I-I did sir. She was hungry and I made her something to eat." The aide answered weakly, a sweat building on his forehead.

Kiryu nodded. "I wondered why she wasn't eating this morning." Standing up & walking past his aide, holding his shoulder before departing into the kitchen where you were. 

You weren't doing anything interesting, looking out of the window where the garden door was and yearning to go outside in the light grey day. Kiryu came up behind you, pinning you to a kitchen counter with both of his hands.

"What's wrong? You seem irritated."

You looked at his mouth. "I don't like being stuck inside."

"I know." He sympathised gently. "I can't let you out though. The weather is bad."

"I want to go home." You whined, sounding spoilt but you were more so just uncomfortable here. With all these men.

"I'm trying my best."

Another knock on the door. Kiryu stepped back and announced that whoever was knocking could come in. They did. It was his aide. Who bowed.

"C-chairman, the P-Patriarch whose party we went to? He's arranged a flight home."

Your eyes lit up.

Back in Tokyo, you felt so at home. You were lighter on your feet and much more smilier. You sunk straight back into your act well, holding Kiryu's hand and carting along with him out of the plane into the backseat of the car. Throwing yourself in and groaning.

"Oh. What a flight."

"Tired?" Kiryu asked, rolling the window down and lighting a cigarette before putting his hand on your leg.

"Just a bit. It's nice to be home."

You expected Kiryu to take you to your small apartment but he didn't. The car stopped off at what looked like a larger and more significant building. Not his own, similar. On further inspection, it was actually a hotel.

He didn't let you speak, he took your hand and out of the car. Silently tracing through past his concierge, through into the lift and he pressed the button quite forcefully. The number at the top and the largest number on the list.

"What's happening?" You asked with his hand holding yours in a firm grip.

He was silent and as soon as the lift dinged you both were out. Down the corridor which had small white lights lighting it. Like a slim, dim runway. Walking together, trying to keep your pace in his stride, struggling to do so. It was so confusing. Like a switch had flipped.

But, your body was shutting down. Right down. But, perking up your stride matched his and as soon as Kiryu opened the door....

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted in your face and you were flabbergasted.

You took a breath against your throat and slowly released it into what was a cold breath against the silence. Looking around the apartment you saw people everywhere, either holding drinks or holding balloons, etc. They were dressed in their best and pink balloons were floating everywhere. Upon the moody interior lay colours of pink everywhere.

Kiryu smiled now stood in the centre of your view. "Happy birthday."

You widened your eyes. How did he know it was your birthday today? But you felt your eyes want to close. After such a long flight, wasn't he tired? No? Clearly not.

Thus you went into " your shared room" and found dresses laying on the bed with a note saying you could take your pick. But this was the first time you were in his room, all alone.

On his dresser you saw a picture of him and another girl, a much younger girl. Both holding hands with the little girl smiling and Kiryu remaining stern. She was a lot smaller in stature and was innocent. No older than about 10/11.

"Is this his daughter?" You asked yourself quietly, looking at the picture in more detail.

He hasn't mentioned his daughter at all..not once. He'd mentioned a lover, a brother, a father...not a daughter.

The thought was pushed aside and you were dragged out to the ongoing party outside.

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now