The Noya Game

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The Noya Game

Spending time with RK meant Kiryu didn't have to worry about leaving you alone whilst he sorted out Sean's mess. The money wasn't a problem, it was finding him. And Kiryu had made central Tokyo red hot so that his feet would drag him right to the edge of the city. Where his boys would be waiting.

Kiryu sat in his office listening to his 3 guards who stood in front of him almost in shame. Takeshi in the middle, Hyun to the left and Shan-yuan to the right.

"So." Kiryu asked. "What happened?"

And in this system there was it's own hierarchy. Takeshi was the leader who every guard answered to and who every guard got a command from. Hence why Hyun & Shan-yuan kept quiet.

"We sent Sean to check your apartment, sir. But I couldn't get ahold of him after that. Hyun went to investigate and found your safe empty." Takeshi explained.

Kiryu wasn't happy. It was a careless mistake.

"And we noticed Y/N's number torn out of your diary, sir." Takeshi bowed deeply and apologetically.

Kiryu fumed. "So this man has stolen from me and is running through Tokyo with my girlfriend's number in his hand?"

On the other hand you had a small get together to go to that was held by a patriarchs wife. It was incredibly girly. You wore baggy jeans, sandals and a black v collared top while RK wore a suit. It wasn't your thing and you felt poorly today but nonetheless you went because it was all about keeping up appearances.

"Here's to entertaining the mindless crowds." You rolled your eyes as your car pulled up to the large bath house. It was a common gathering ground for these ladies.

"Good luck!" RK sarcastically laughed.

Now your midwife had told you not to bathe for longer than 10 minutes in water higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius. Your growing baby doesn't have its own ability to cool down therefore you could cause damage. Not only that, some of the women might see your bump which could cause unnecessary drama. The pregnancy was a secret so far.

"Please get me out in 10 minutes." You pleaded to RK.

"Why 10?"

"I can't sit in a bath too long. It's not good for the baby."

"Got it." RK nodded while holding a soft white fuzzy towel robe over her arm for you.

Slipping into the soft white robe you used this time to look at your bump. It little. So cute. Your little growing baby. Whether it be a small boy or a small girl. You'd love them no matter what. And prayed for a healthy delivery. Mentally preparing yourself for bodily changes was hard.

You made sure to get in the bath before any of the other ladies who, oddly, didn't mind parading around naked with each other. This was obviously a huge hobby of theirs. You kept yourself hidden beneath the water and would wait for RK to get you.

"Y/N! You look so good! How was the trip to Taiwan?"

"Good thank you." You smiled gently.

"Was it really a trip?" The miserable one asked. "Or did he travel on the pretence of work?" She was often the one who made sarcastic comments.

"I'm sure it was nice to get away." Another one commented. "Just the both of you."

And thus the gossip began. Talking about their husbands, their kids, the drama within the clan. Kiryu had made it a point to isolate any issues he was having with work. So nobody new that one of his guards had ran off with the money from his safe. But you did learn a new juicy secret.

"I heard that Chairman Sera once held a party in the vault within the Tojo building."

"A party?"

"Yep. Within the vault."

"The vault?" You asked.

"Oh has the chairman not showed you yet?"


"It's a huge vault deep within HQ which has the entire clans money in it."

"I can't imagine how much money is in there! Billions probably!"

RK appeared and bowed before the naked ladies in the bath, a robe draped over her arm. "Y/N, I've been requested to take you."

"Oh Y/N? You have a guard now?"

"I guess I do." You got yourself out of the bath quickly and wrapped in the robe.

"We also didn't realise you had a tattoo? Is that for the chairman? A blue butterfly?"

"No. It's for me." You bid everyone farewell.

Kiryu had finished beating his boys and now had a meeting to attend with Narumi about expanding her enterprises further than just Japan and Hawaii. The outcome was going to be the same. The answer was no but Kiryu had to pretend to care and had to make time to listen to the stupid idea. This wasn't about being famous.

The meeting was held in the milennium tower where Kiryu used Kashiwagi's office to do so. Narumi was waiting in the office wearing a black suit. She had a briefcase to hand which was her enterprises weekly takings. A sweet little gift for her first official meeting with the chairman.

"Nice to see you, Narumi." Kiryu sat down in the office chair. "How are you?"

Narumi stood up and bowed. "Very well, chairman." She then straightened up. "I have brought my first week of takings."

"That's good of you. So, I hear you want to expand?"

"Yes, chairman."

"Where to?"


"Okay." Kiryu got comfortable and unbuttoned his suit jacket so he could sit comfortably. "Why?"

"Well, we can set up a profitable loaning business there."

"Narumi-san I don't think being so far from Tokyo is needed."

Narumi's face dropped, she was stunned at how easily she was shut down. "Chairman? Why not?"

"You and your enterprise are sustaining themselves well in Tokyo and Hawaii. There's no need to go to Miami." Kiryu then stood up and went to the window to look down at the Tojo hot bed known as Kamurocho.

When Narumi tried to argue Kiryu turned to look at her with a stern face. As if a child were arguing with her father and he was ready to discipline her.

"The answer is no." Kiryu cut before she could try. "There's no need. I'm not looking to be famous. I'm looking to maintain the clan as it is."

Narumi had had enough and walked up to Kiryu, wrapping her leg around his waist and using her hand in his hair to make sure he faced her as they were almost eye level. Her heavy scent of cherry was incredibly intoxicating but thankfully her warm body didn't do anything for Kiryu.

"What's your price? Over the desk? In your apartment? Or even mine?" Narumi teased, playing with Kiryu's buttons on his red shirt. "I don't mind anal either."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant