A Deal With A Dragon

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A Deal With A Dragon
Screenshot belongs to madsscreenshots on tumblr.
Mentions of drug use.

Dragons blood. A bright red resin substance obtained from a distinct plant genera. Calamus spp. In folk medicine, dragon's blood is used as a wash to promote healing of wounds and to stop bleeding. In some countries actual blood is used, from actual people.

Kiryu saw you, saw Evan, saw 3 lines on the counter of the cubicle. This was 100x worse than what he expected. Gobsmacked wouldn't describe his reaction.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

In a flurry of your usual patter, for once, you couldn't answer him. Evan was partially confused. As a young man ready to take a hit after a long weekend, this wasn't how he expected it to go down. He was frozen still.


Kiryu dragged out Evan before he could say much, throwing him against the sinks causing them to crack. It was a blinding anger because he thought Evan had forced you to do this. Or even goaded you. And it wasn't still you pulled Kazuma by the the arm to explain did he stop.

"It's not his fault! Leave him alone!" You shouted.

And Kiryu did, turning to you over his shoulder as Evan lay on the floor writhing in pain. "What?"

"Stop hitting random people you fucking freak!" You shouted, right in his face.

He was in your face, looking down at you with anger mixed in with annoyance. Two very different emotions. One you can return from, one you can't return from.

3, 2, 1. The blood had finally reached boiling point.

"What is your fucking problem?!" You shouted, pointing your finger in his face. The acoustics in the bathroom was great, your voice harmonised back.

Evan had disappeared out of the bathroom and was caught by Kiryu's aide, coerced into smoking a cigarette in the smoking area before leaving.

Meanwhile in the bathroom things were brewing up.

"What do you mean?" He frowned. "My problem? You're out here sniffing cocaine with a man you don't know in a bathroom?" His voice slowly raised.

"Yeah? Shall I cut back to earlier today when that woman came and threw herself on your lap?! I didn't see you putting up such a fight."

"Cause you walked off. If you hadn't then you would've seen. Wouldn't you?"

"Why would I sit and wait for you to just respect me? I'm you're girlfriend!" You slammed your hand on the counter. "I'm fed up! You're treating me like shit."

"I'm treating you like shit? If I didn't respect you then I'd have sex with you the moment you walked through my apartment a week ago. And I would've left you." He shouted with a slam of his fist against the ceramic tiles.

With his fork tongue he'd managed to knock the breath out of you.

"I met that woman when I first came to Seoul a few months ago. We hooked up. I hooked up with a lot of women before I met you. Cause I can!" He stated as a matter of factly. "And I did."

Your entire angered demeanour dropped completely. Because he'd put you in your place in a second. Nobody had ever done that before and something about it turned you on. Normally you'd throw yourself and your attitude around, you'd get your own way and would assume you were right. Not in this case. Kazuma wasn't a push over.

A tension lingered in the air. It was hot and heavy with an incredible weight and made its presence known by the sweat on your chest.

"I guess I didn't want to see you with another girl."

"If I wanted to cheat on you then I would've done that by now. And you'd find out in some stupid newspaper."

"Then why haven't you? If it's so easy."

"Is that what you want? Me to cheat on you and you do to nothing about it?"

"I'll leave you."

"How? You realise that you're associated to me. If you go back to your old job, customers won't see you."

The pin dropped. The penny rolled on the floor and landed on its head side leaving the tail exposed.

"People have seen you with me. Rumours spread like fire. Your name will come up, then mine will. Are you ready to be in newspapers and magazines? They're always trying to get dirt on me."

You gasped.

"So tell me. If you leave now...what's your plan?"

He laughed gently.

"I don't want you to leave." He was now inbetween your legs, in your neck again. "I need you. In my loneliness you've been the best thing. You're so lucky for me."

The car ride was quiet because you spent most of your time in your own head. Your own normal life was grossly abnormal now that you'd spent merely a week with someone like Kiryu. Aka the fourth chairman.

When you got in the hotel suite the first thing you did was remove your make up and clothes. The main aim was going to bed because of how tired your body was. That and no doubt you'd be doing something tomorrow.

But before you went you needed to change his bandage. From the stress earlier, it was bloodied. It made you queasy but you did it nonetheless and were surprised at how he didn't even flinch.

"Does it still hurt?"

He nodded, stretching his shoulders out. Sitting at the dining table within the suite. Shirtless.

When you reached your bed you tossed & turned, struggling to rest. Kiryu eventually slept next to you, on his side and facing you. It surprised you how someone so physically violent could sleep so peacefully. You almost felt his stresses in his body, vibrating through your own. Deep down in your body though you felt an urge, some type of need to satisfy yourself after a physically demanding week.

When Kiryu turned to lay on his back, you straddled his waist. Luckily for you, you'd only work a simple nightie dress with no underwear. And men...men tended to get morning glory, sleep glory. So you felt his cock between your legs although he was asleep and hadn't registered the weight on his groin.

When he awoke he was pleasantly confused & frowning to see you straddling him.

"What are you doing?"

"I want you." You mumbled very gently.

With you against his waist, he sat himself up against the glass headboard. Holding your thighs. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

"I just want to have sex with you..."

"I'm not responsible for what happens after that." He teased.

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