"I'm working."

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"I'm working."
Themes of sex and softcore.
Screenshot belongs to madsscreenshots.

At some point during your sleep you felt yourself get pulled to a body, with something poking your bum. With the only thing separating you both being a thin satin material. You felt something hard slip through and rub between your legs, hands holding your waist and keeping you still.

"What are you doing?" You groaned, writhing around and creaking your eyes open to see the time. 6:56AM.

"Keep still." Kiryu commanded in his low tone.

"Why?" You moved away.

"Why not?"

"No..." you then turned around and fell asleep.

You were pulled back to him again, his hand now in between your legs gently pulling them apart and rubbing your clit.

"Kazuma." You gently tried to force him off, keyword being gently because you really wanted him.


"Not now..."

"When?" He grew impatient.

"When you get back..."

The rest of the day gave you a break from Kiryu which you really needed after pushing his "ex" into the water. You weren't wrong. Just spoilt. Kiryu's aide was instructed to stay with you the whole day, making sure you were safe after the drama in Korea.

When you woke up and wrapped yourself in your gown you saw his aide asleep on the sofa, arms crossed and head to one side. His chest rising slowly which you could clearly see now he'd abandoned his suit jacket. Still wearing his gun suspenders. Clearly tired from working nearly all day and all night. Protecting someone who was as important as Kiryu must be tiring. You smiled and went to freshen up. Today you wanted to get your nails done.

Meanwhile at HQ Kiryu was greeted almost fearfully. But he didn't really care at this point, he'd much rather be doing something else than conducting a meeting called for by a patriarch. But once a family man, Kiryu knew his values and knew he had to listen to every opinion.

When Kiryu walked through the room everyone bowed and finally he sat in the head chair, looking up at the patriarchs of the most dominating families and his captain. All of whom then sat up and faced him.

"We're happy to have you back, chairman." Kashiwagi announced.

"What's this meeting for?" Kiryu asked very abruptly, crossing one leg on top of the other and unbuttoning his suit jacket so he could sit comfortably as he it never properly fit around his torso when he was sat down.

Koji Shindo spoke. The 2nd patriarch of the Nishikiyama family and someone who utterly hated Kiryu. Bowing forward before then also sitting up right.

"Chairman. A Chinese triad organisation has asked for our help in shipping weapons through Kamurocho to reach the USA."

Kiryu frowned, knowing exactly where this was going.

"And they've promised to cut us a nice slice of we're able to provide them with a safe passage.

"Who's their leader?"

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