4pm in Tokyo

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4pm in Tokyo

That night Kiryu watched you. He watched you sleep peacefully. On your right side facing the wall with one leg stretched up and the other straight. So comfortable amongst the sea of thick & luscious pillows/quilt. He lay on his side, facing you.

It was hard to sleep that night. Nothing unusual but more so tonight. So Kiryu quietly slipped out of bed in his boxers and decided to stand outside on his balcony to look down at his empire. It was hard to fathom exactly how high he'd reached in a short amount of months. His priority was making his clan the most impenetrable, with outside forces fearing them so much that they rarely tried to cause chaos. But...was that the legacy he wanted? He was know for being tough, known for being merciful and incredibly honest.

The entire apartment was empty and still. The clock on the wall read 3:21am. The only noise that could be heard was the city noises. People still moved at this time especially in the shady parts of town which were closely cramped together with vendors and people selling services. The lifeline of this city flowed through his veins and pumped blood into his body. While he very much allowed it to do so, living and breathing through his physique.

The newest player at the table was a woman by the name of Narumi Noya. A woman aged 47 years old that was the head of Noya Enterprises. The newest and most recent up & coming thing to flourish within Tokyo & parts of Hawaii while making a name for itself. She was a youthful woman despite the subtle crows feet near her eyes and the thin lines around his lips. Her hair in a nice neat bun and often donning a subtle black & white kimono with pink flowers on it and a matching pink obi. In the presence of her colleagues and superior however, she wore a black suit.

Today Narumi wore a red kimono and had her hair donned in a nice neat bun at the back of her head which allowed her face to be visible. All of her emotions displayed elegantly on her soft white face.

Together they both sat on the floor. Narumi on her legs & Kiryu cross legged.

"I'm very grateful to have this opportunity, chairman." She bowed. "I'm thankful to be sworn into your clan."

"I'm sure you'll fit in just fine." Kiryu nodded and poured 2 small glasses of sake. "You've proved you're more than capable to handle the family."

"Can I ask a question?"

Kiryu nodded. "Please."

"Did you have your own family?"

"No." Kiryu picked up both glasses and handed one to Narumi.

"So how did you become chairman? There's only been 3 before you." Narumi pondered as she took the glass with both hands.

Kiryu put his weapon down and looked at Narumi right in her face. "And I plan to stay here for as long as possible."

Narumi nodded. "I understand, sir."

The next day a meeting was held in HQ to introduce in Kiryu's newest recruit. It was a small introduction that was tinkering behind Kiryu's ear and what he didn't want was people causing rumours in the business he'd salvaged. If they saw a new face, they'd talk if not formally introduced. After the 10 billion yen issue Kiryu wanted to make sure his patriarchs trusted him entirely. He wanted to make sure they continued to contribute their hard earned money to the benefit of the clan, and under his care. The key to the vault which held the money was on his person, only.

"Thank you for joining me today, gentleman." Kiryu bowed and raised up. "I've called this meeting to introduce the newest family to swear an oath with me."

"A woman?" A voice asked.

"Yes. Matriarch Narumi of Noya enterprises is now part of the Tojo clan." Kiryu explained. "And the enterprise will also be operating in Hawaii. This means that our connection to the island will be even stronger. She will immediately be taking over the family that was previously there."

Narumi stood up and bowed deeply in the middle of the room, right in front of Kiryu. "It's a pleasure to swear an oath with you, chairman." She spoke. "I'm also honoured to be a part of the ever growing families within the Tojo. And I hope you all grant me your wisdom and safety as I navigate through this new world."

"A woman?" A man questioned. "The chairman is already running circles around his little girlfriend. The last thing we need is to run circles around a family mother." He remarked in complete misogyny and snide.

Kiryu's lack of patience and annoyance got the better of him. He stood up from his chair and stalked over, kicking the man in the chest down to the floor from the kings table. With his foot remaining firmly on the man's chest, Kiryu held him in place.

"Are you questioning me?" Kiryu asked very calmly, staring into the quivering man's eyes.

"N-no, sir."

"Woman or man...I made my choice. Noya Enterprises specialises in white collar crimes." Kiryu explained. "Something you and your family know little about."

"Y-yes, sir."

Kiryu then made eye contact with every single family head in the room. "It's healthy to question my leadership. I encourage that openly. But my decisions are final and if anyone tries to overrule me or bring my family into it then I'll bury them alive."

Could you tell your friends about your baby? Kiryu had made it clear that he wanted it kept a private secret. But you were a socialite in your own right especially now with being so closely associated to the chairman. It fell it to you to host parties, events, etc. One past time the ladies loved was shopping. Which was such a typical stereotype but spending their husbands money was so easy.

"When will you and the chairman get married?" One of the wives asked with half of her face concealed by her large coffee cup.

"Married?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you want to be married?" She encouraged. "You get half of his empire."

You frowned those same eyebrows you raised. "Half of his empire? Why would I want that?"

"Who wouldn't?!" She gushed, despite being in her late 30's she was extremely oblivious. "So much money and so many people respecting you."

"Sure..." you dismissed.

"Would you sign a prenup?"

"Did you?" You asked in patronising tone.

"Of course I didn't! I want half of what he's got." She nudged you gently as the others laughed. "Who wants to keep sharing a bed without any perks?"

"Perks? You make your marriage sound like a business contract." You observed carefully.

"You think any of us married for love? The only one who did that was Yayoi and look at where she ended up."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you don't know?" She tilted her head. "Your boyfriend shot her husband. That's how he became chairman."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now