The Cross to Bear

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The Cross to Bear
Mentions of abortion.

Kiryu noticed Takeshi was back and frowned. "Where's Y/N?"

"She went to the bathroom, sir."

"What did she buy?"

"Takeshi, don't tell him what I've brought." You urged. "Please? I know he'll ask you."

"What? Why?" Takeshi frowned while driving. "He needs to know, Y/N."

"I don't want him to know right now."

"Why not? If he does know it'll make it easier for you."

"Because I don't know if I even want this child." You sighed into your hands.


"Takeshi please. It's not just my fault. I should've been more careful but it's tiring keeping up with Kiryu."

"Y/N if it's that tiring then why don't you stay in Tokyo?"

"I didn't think I had a choice."

"Of course you do."

"I'm not sure, sir. She kept the bag with herself. Female products may be?" Takeshi lied, feeling himself being looked through by Kiryu.


The entire day you both were separated till dinner. Where he was sat at the table with his phone to his ear. Chatting away. You decided you wanted to wear a sexy outfit so he if was mad at you then it would lessen the blow. You wore a low cut top and tight booty shorts to make yourself look sexy. He was wearing pyjama bottoms.

When he got off the phone he was surprised to see you sat opposite him. He smiled went sat down, giving his phone to Takeshi who then disappeared with it from the room.

"Hi." You smiled.

"Hi. How are you? Feeling ok?"

You nodded. "How about you?"

His face morphed into a frown. "What is this? Welcome at the country club? Why have you stayed hidden in your room all day, Y/N?"

"I don't feel well."

"It's been 3 days. Have you been to the doctor?"

"I'm pregnant, Kazuma."

He stared at you with a impatient & meaningful glance. One where you'd submit to his any requirement. His hazel hollow eyes pierced through yours, he was intense about his current emotion. Pregnant? That wasn't a joke. And he'd heard that some (different) woman was pregnant by him all the time, so it wasn't an unusual thing to hear. The thing that struck him was the fact that he knew it was probably true.


"I'm pregnant. Ok?" You sighed in completely frustration, falling back into your chair and hiding your face. "I didn't think it was true. I've obviously missed my birth control pills and realised too late."

It did make sense to him now. "Do you want to have this baby?"

"What are you talking about?" Your hands slipped from your face and you looked at him.

"Do you want this baby?"

"Want it?"

"I'm not asking you a complex question. Do you want my child or not?"

"No! You're a criminal who's got people wanting to kill him!" You slammed your hand on the table. "Is that what you want me to say?"

Kiryu wasn't phased but this was slowly turning into a screaming match. He was so overwhelmed at how sudden this had come up. His eyes were fixated on you as you paced around. Something you'd done in Seoul, in the bathroom & here now. Talking through your feelings while distracting yourself with movements.

"I don't know what to do. I don't know why this has happened? How can we raise a child like this? You don't even get a chance to see your daughter. I haven't even met her yet! She's now got a step sibling?"

When the chef came to enter, he saw the mood in the dining area and retreated himself back to the kitchen. Every single breathing body was dismissed. The only 2 people present in the living area were you & Kiryu.

"It's my own fault for forgetting. It's just been so busy, I don't have time to breathe nowadays. I feel trapped in a tiny birdcage which you carry the key for."

"I won't be angry if you say you want an abortion." Kiryu's gentle melodic voice spoke.

"What?" You turned to him. "Do you even realise what you're saying."

"Yeah. If you want an abortion then have one. You don't sound ready to have a child and you've only just found out. Imagine when you're ready to give birth. It'll be 100x worse. Mentally." Kiryu shrugged. "This is a busy lifestyle. And I'm sorry you're tangled up in it's vines."

You remained silent.

"But there's options out there. I'm not going to leave you just because you're pregnant. I can't do that. I'm invested now." Kiryu explained. "It's my child just as much as it is yours. The only difference is you're carrying it." He smiled softly, pulling you to him where he was sat. "Which is why I know you'll do what's right for you. That's my biggest priory."

"I don't know what to do."

"I won't let anything happen to my family." Kiryu sternly advised. "My family is my priority if anyone harms my family then I'll bury them."

"It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust the people you're associated with."

"Why don't we talk outside?"

And you both did. You sat next on the sun lounger opposite him, wrapped up in a thin blanket. He was attentive when listening to you speak about your anxieties. You were his sole focus at the moment, nothing or nobody else. Him and his girlfriend. The beautiful little soul you were, baring out about how children wouldn't be safe for you both especially since he was so used to being in harms way. Getting yourself in a tizzy, working yourself up & down constantly.

With the sound of gentle cicadas, you finally explained how you felt.

"I'm anxious." You began biting the skin of your cuticles. "I don't know how I'm going to handle being pregnant."

"It's not weights. You're growing a child." Kiryu reasoned.

You ran your fingers through your hair. "I haven't even met your daughter yet. What would she think?"

"She'd think the world of you." Kiryu reassured with his hand slipping to your thighs. "I already do."

His face could glow with the sunset and incredible tropic breeze. Hawaii was truly your wonderland and you could play here forever. It made everything look so beautiful. Everything glowed a subtle orange and everything looked like it belonged at the end of the rainbow. With hazel eyes that deepened, he looked at you.

"It's not a choice you want to make overnight. Think about it."

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