Feel My Needs

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Feel My Needs

"Clearance?" Kiryu asked.

"Chairman you are one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful man in Tokyo." Ricky praised. "You can bend the government at your will."

"You called me here to assist you in shipping weapons through Tokyo?" Kiryu frowned, sitting back in his seat.

"Yes. I think that's right."

"Where are these weapons coming from?"


"Why would I help you?" Kiryu asked daringly. "I don't carry unconcealed weapons. My captain doesn't carry unconcealed weapons, the lieutenants of the Tojo don't carry unconcealed weapons." Kiryu explained. "What do we gain?"


"There's no amount of money that will pay for the time I'll waste trying to get you clearance." Kiryu explained. "It's not easy."

"They're your politicians. It's a dirty business." Ricky smirked. "What's their price?"

"I couldn't tell you."

"And could I take some time to meet them?"

"If you step foot in Tokyo I'll kill you." Kiryu threatened, his jaw tightening.

"You're not making this easy for me." Ricky shook his head.


Ricky turned to you. "Please try and change his mind." He pleaded jokingly.

"We're busy people." You defended.

"I'm not saying you aren't. I'd like to think the Chairman would be courteous enough to extend a hand to an outsider."

"You're not an outsider." Kiryu stood up, waking to the balcony lining the deck, leaning against it. "Your organisation has been lingering in Tokyo for years."

"Chairman, please understand where I'm coming from. We've only operated in Little Asia."

"No." Kiryu put his metaphorical foot down. He was incredibly stubborn. "You haven't only operated in Little Asia."

Then it dropped. Like a single penny against the floor, rolling before landing flat on the heads side. Kiryu wasn't cooperating because he was tortured by this organisation before. It made clear sense. That and he had to think about the people who'd be put in jeopardy if Ricky's truckloads were caught running through Kamurocho.

"There's no need to be so angry. I'm trying my hardest to make a feasible decision, chairman Kazuma."

Kiryu took a deep breath, inhaling the purified air of the Han river and letting it reach the bottom of his lungs in great form. Then exhaling the toxic air that had been lifted out from the bottom of his lungs in a great push.

"Work around it. Tokyo isn't your playing ground. Not the Traid, not the Jingweon, not the Omi. Nobodies. Tokyo is mine."

The way he claimed an entire city as his own was quite sexy. Thus was his power.

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