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"You'd be silly to lowball our offer."

Kiryu had a flat look on his face, he was reasonably relaxed. Lounging very comfortably with a drink in one hand. These people had been ripping him off for years and he'd been blindly accepting it. And while he might be the most respected/feared yakuza in Tokyo, he was still a thug deep down. In his early days, he did debt collections. When Tokyo was in its bubble era and people had money flying out of their ears.

So when it came to getting what he wanted, he would let his opposition feel like they knew him. They knew him really well. More so than any one else. This was the psychology behind how Kiryu swayed people without violence.

"How old are you, sir?" Kiryu asked respectfully.


"When I was 20 in the 80's I used to do debt collections." Kiryu reminisced very tactfully.

"Debt collections? In the bubble era? What?" The estate agent laughed, he was smart enough to know about the bubble era. "When everyone had money for nothing."

"Yeah, you'd be surprised." Kiryu smiled.

"Was this for the Dojima family?"

"A loan shark."

"Were you a family man back then?"

Kiryu nodded. "I became a family man at 17."

"And at 37 you're now the chairman. File & rank to the top seat."

So now the estate agent felt like he knew Kiryu. Knew a small, personal and very intimate fact that nobody else may know. He'd be more susceptible to defend Kiryu if the need ever came for it. Because he knew him now.

"I also did a small stint in real estate back then."

"Really?" The estate agent was shocked. "How was it?"

"Good. I learnt a lot. I managed to acquire a few properties."


"Mainly theatre square."

"Did you build a nice portfolio?"

"Yeah, sold it off fairly quickly though. This place was the last place I sold."

"I'm sorry?"

"I used to own this place. In the 80's. It was an arcade."

The real estate agent felt a cold sweat build upon his back. Did he really own this building at one point or was he lying? He'd know exactly what it was worth now by subtracting the currency fluctuations and deducting the tax, while adding in the service charges and real estate fees. The real estate agent thought. Now he was on edge.

"Is everything okay, sir?"

"Will you excuse me? I'll need to call my wife." The real estate agent bowed out of the booth and disappeared out of the club.

"Where's he gone?" Kiryu's aide asked, raising a brow, going to follow him.

"He's going to call his secretary in his office, forcing her to get out of bed and file through the owner history of this building. He's going to make her find my name, find what the building was and when I had it."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now