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"I wasn't expecting that." He smirked at you as soon as he got off the phone. "Maybe you should sit there and keep my cock warm more often."


Once cleaned up, you found an entire wardrobe had been shipped here somehow. But you realised how magical Kiryu was and how he worked. Wearing a simple blazer and trousers with heels, you both freshened up and headed out to a meeting held by Goro Majima of the Majima family. Working on his newest and most grandest projects. Kamurocho Hills. Kiryu wore his grey suit, red shirt, grey trousers and a matching grey coat he'd had specially made for this fit that hung simply over his shoulders.

It was a big open space which had construction equipment everywhere and the foundation of what would be a large building. Majima, the one eyed man, met Kiryu to discuss the building and how much he wanted for it. Because as soon as Majima was done it would be sold.

That's when you saw her. His assistant who was holding a note book, a phone and herself. She was so poised and so able bodied. Stood up straight, back straight. Her entire back followed the straight length of her leg.

While Majima and Kiryu stood in an active construction site and discussed the blueprints. You were stood aimlessly and the lady came and spoke to you. She was elegant, smelling incredibly expensive and had a lovely golden tan. Freshly holiday-ed with brilliant red nails and matching toes in her open toe heels.

"Could I get you anything?" She smiled gently.

"Get me anything? No thank you." You smiled back.

"A-a-are you sure?"


"It's quite boring. I hope you don't mind being here."

"It's not my thing. Are you Patriarch Majima's girlfriend?"

She widened her eyes. "Me? N-no! I'm his secretary."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry." She laughed. "I-it's hard to look after a man like that.

"I know how you feel." You sighed.

While you both spoke to each other you noticed how she often stuttered and found it so intriguing. It was unusual to see that but nonetheless so refreshing to see something normal that someone didn't bother hiding.

"Money makes the world go round, chairman." Majima reasoned in his ever suave nature. "It's gonna be worth a few bill."

"How many?"

"Won't know till it's up. Gonna have to wait an' see. It'll get valued, I'll give ya the price."

"You're selling it to the Tojo."

"But the Chairman's gotta write the check, ain't it?"

"What about underneath it? The fighting ring and purgatory?"

"Gone probably."

"And there's no way to keep it?"

"Nah, the base of Kamurocho Hills is gonna need to be cemented." Majima shook his head sadly.

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now