On & On

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On & On
Photo above belongs to madsscreenshots.

The last thing Kiryu needed was a woman coming onto him. Especially one of the leaders of the families instated into his clan.

"I don't have a price. The answer is no." Kiryu picked Narumi's hands off him gently and handed them back to her. "And it's in your best interest to keep this relationship professional."

"Why's that, chairman?" Narumi asked with a frown and her fists balled. Angry that she'd been rejected.

"Because I said so..."

"Your girlfriend doesn't need to know."

"She doesn't. Because it's not going to happen." Kiryu gathered his belongings and picked up the brief case. "Thank you for your time, Narumi-san."

"Didn't your old patriarch have his women everywhere? What's stopping you?"

"Because he got shot." Kiryu left.

When Kiryu got home he found you in the kitchen in your robe making fried chicken whilst holding a spoon of something in your mouth.

"Hi!" You waved over the noise of sizzling.

"What are you making?"

"Fried chicken."

"And what are you eating?"

"Ice cream..."

Kiryu shook his head and came up behind you, his hands around your belly and holding absolutely nothing. "What kind of ice cream?"

"It's just strawberry. To stop me from feeling sick." You pulled the spoon out of your mouth. "Do you want some?"

"Sure." Kiryu rest his chin on your shoulder and you fed him.

Then your phone, which was on the counter, rang. You picked it up and looked at the number before putting it down.

"Who is it?" Kiryu asked, lifting from your shoulder and looking at your phone which was still vibrating.

"I don't know." You shrugged. "Some random unknown number. It's been calling all day."

Kiryu rubbed his growing bulge against you. "I'm in a mood." He whispered into your ear.

"Uhh...I'm a bit busy, Kazuma."

"It won't take long." He pleaded, pulling at the belt of your robe.

"Why don't you wait in the bedroom?" You suggested.


Kiryu waited till you'd gone to sleep before checking the number against his diary. It was Sean's.

Over the next few days it was a case of waiting for the prey to walk into the lions den. Sean was in Tokyo and Kiryu knew this but couldn't pinpoint exactly where. Sean wasn't connected enough to fly out of the country under an alias. He'd need to use his real American passport which hadn't been used to exit the country yet.

While sitting in a boozy bar that he owned, Kiryu felt he owed it to you to take you out and wine you. Though alcohol was prohibited because you were pregnant. So you stayed on soft drinks and ate small portions of whatever you wanted even if it wasn't on the menu. This is what the chairman did for his pregnant girlfriend. Treated her royally.

You wore a black velvet dress with a deep collar and fluffy sleeves. Kiryu wore his usual attire. Both of you tucked up together in a booth while drinking. Whispering sweet little things to each other as the low orange light illuminated the way to you both.

Interrupting both of you was Shan-yuan who had a man by the collar. Throwing him to the floor by Kiryu's feet.

"Sir, Sean is here to see you." Shan-yuan announced and placed a small black bag by Kiryu's side before bowing and showing himself away.

Kiryu opened it to reveal money and then looked at you. "Well, weren't you right?"

You smiled widely. "Of course I was."

Sean stood up. Wearing casual clothing and looking scratched up. A cut through his brow, one on the cheek and another through the lip. He'd forgotten all etiquette by now and reverted back to his cage fighting days. He was deep in breath, looking between you and Kiryu. You looked pretty.

Kiryu sat comfortably in his seat while you sipped your drink through a quiet straw. "So you think you can come here, dump some cash...and it's...ok?" Kiryu asked in his own English, slow, soft & broken but English nonetheless.

"I don't want no trouble." Sean pleaded.

"If money was needed...why did you not ask?" Kiryu stood up and met Sean at eye level. "The price of...stealing in my family is...big, Sean."

"I returned the money! All of it. Count it!"

"It isn't about...money." Kiryu dismissed very gently, walking over to the empty bar and pouring himself a new drink of thick Japanese whisky with ice cubes. The glass was short, like his ever growing patience which was trying its hardest to contain itself in the smallest space physically possible. "You...have disrespected me."

"I know I've caused trouble. But I needed the money."

"What...did you need...the money for?" Kiryu inquired gently.

"S-some family issues."

"Your family...does not live in Japan." Kiryu stated.

"I was going to send it abroad."

"Okay. And...why have you been...calling Y/N?"


"Please...do not act surprised." Kiryu stated. "I don't...appreciate your concern...for my girlfriend."

Sean shook his head. "I didn't mean no harm."

Kiryu frowned, putting his glass down and walking over to Sean. With a swing of his right fist he'd managed to knock Sean down and with the point of his boot he'd managed to kick him in the face a few times.

While you sat back and watched the drama unfold. You were angry, more so at the fact that he'd stolen from Kiryu. And someone was getting beaten up for bothering you. That was always a gateway to feeling incredibly special. More so than what you already felt.

Once down, Kiryu knelt down and met him on the floor. Down below. "This is not...America. I will not let you disrespect me or...my family. The last thing my girlfriend...needs is you bothering her. None of my other boys do that."

But Kiryu was angry. Incredibly angry. He picked Sean up and walked him over to an ice bucket which had a bottle of champagne sitting it and pushed his head straight into it. Holding it there which caused lacerations to Sean's already cut up face.

When Kiryu let go Sean's body fell to the floor in a thud.

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