Bad Apple

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Bad Apple

From where he was it took exactly 13 minutes to get to his apartment. So very very briefly did he close his eyes. They opened again in a basement somewhere in 1994. With scratches along his bare chest and a needle poking through the left side of his chest. Missing his heart almost deliberately. The Chinese believed in a method of cutting the body 100 times to cause intense pain very slowly.

What grounded him again was his phone ringing in his pocket and he answered it, opening his eyes. "Hello?"

"Hey." You anxiously announced, sitting by the window with your legs huddled against you. You were biting the skin around your cuticles and shaking your leg. Nervously.


"Did you find him?"

"Yeah. He's on the way to the hospital."

"I see." You often tongued your downward spiral into ever lasting anxiety.

"Don't worry. Have you eaten something?"



"I'm quite anxious..."

"The outcome was the same no matter what. There's no uncertainties when you're with me, Y/N." Kiryu explained. "I control a lot of peoples fates."

"D-did he show you the pictures?"

"He did."


"I burnt them."

"How come?"

"I don't need pictures when I can see you whenever I want. You're mine now."


"I guess today made me realise that I need to be."


"Because there's people out there who want you. But you're mine." Kiryu sighed. "Get some rest. I'll be home soon."

You hung up and waited, patiently. With how worked up you were, you'd managed to give yourself hot flushes and were only wearing a hot pink robe which was laced. Breathable and extremely loose so you felt nothing against your skin.

Nearly 8 minutes later the door opened but you were peacefully sat by the large window which Kiryu often leant out of to smoke. The one attached to a balcony. Every single light in the apartment was off and you had an ashtray in front of you with an elegant amount of cigarettes pressed into it. You were facing the window with your head turned.

Throwing his keys on the table, Kiryu removed his suit jacket and threw it on a chair. Proceeding to place himself opposite you on the window seat you were sat on. Still in the darkness. You were holding another thin cigarette in your mouth and went to light it but Kiryu beat you to it. His lighter was lit and in front of your cigarette which he'd lit for you.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were home." You sat up and looked at him.

"It's okay."

Oddly enough in this almost non existent light Kiryu saw something incredibly hollowing about your face and body. Something that was hiding deep down your filled persona and only appeared during your darkest, deepest moments. Your personality at this point was extremely addictive and the addiction was cigarettes which you were smoking in a near succession.

"We all make mistakes." Kiryu began explaining, playing with the gold ring that sat on the pinky of his left hand.

You continued to smoke. 

"And sometimes they catch up to us. But they don't define us." Kiryu sighed. "Peoples words don't mean much. Stereotypes don't mean anything till they learn who you are."

"What happened to him?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Kiryu continued to twist his pinky ring around his finger.

"I don't want this to look bad on you." You finally admitted your biggest fear. After holding it in your chest for nearly 5 hours. "I don't want people to make you look bad."

"It doesn't matter how I look. We're a couple. I'll defend you and I hope you'd do the same for me. Your honour and respect is important to me and it won't waver over a passed mistake. I know you better than anyone else."


"Just promise me that no matter how tough it gets you won't give up straight away?"

You promised.

The next you woke up in bed alone and saw a text message on your phone from Kazuma which read:

At a meeting in the milennium tower. Will be home late.

The meeting table was long and oval shaped with Kiryu sat at the head and various important people sat around it. At the end was a man with a flip chart drawing various things for Kiryu's attention. Various colours to keep him attracted. Kiryu's aide was also present standing to his right and holding his phone and his cigarettes.

"What it will allow us an endless flow of cash..." the man presented.

"How much does the Tojo get?" Kiryu asked very bluntly.


Kiryu frowned. "25% of what?"

"All profits made."

"And you think that's enough?"

"I-I don't understand, sir. Apart from the planning permission, the Tojo have no other involvement in this business." The man reasoned and rightly so. It was incredibly reasonable but being reasonable to the chairman was dangerous. Thankfully Kiryu wasn't unreasonable himself.

"Okay." Kiryu nodded. "How much will it cost to get the work done?"

"Well..." the man scratched the back of his head. "We require a small loan."

"A loan? Of how much?"

"5.5 million yen."

"And where are you getting that from?"

"We require it from you, chairman."

"From me?"

"Yes, chairman. We'd be most grateful to have your hand in starting this business."

Just then, Kiryu's aide leant down and whispered in his ear in the midst of the meeting. "Y/N is here, sir."


Kiryu's aide shrugged. "She's in the next office."

Kiryu stood up and began leaving when the man, presenting such idiotic requests and regulations, pleaded.

"C-chairman? Is everything ok?"

"Excuse me." Is all he said, pushing the heavy glass door and letting it shut behind him as he went into the adjoining office.

You were smiling, looking out to him as he walked in the room with his gleaming presence. "Hi!"

"Hi. What are you doing here?" He asked shutting the door firmly behind him.

"I came to see you."

Not one to hide his intentions, Kiryu pushed you against the wall. "I'm glad you're here."

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