Death Bed

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Death Bed

It was hard to ignore what was directly in front of him. Because he was a man. But he focused more on your arm, letting you explain what happened before you wrapped back up.

"Thank you for saving my life." You sat back down looking at your hands.

Kiryu frowned. "I'm sorry for getting you hurt."

"I think you're more injured than me." You frowned. "Your aide told me you'd been shot before."

"Yeah. When I was 20. Twice."

"Seems like you're an easy target. Do you know who it was?"

Kiryu shook his heavy head, then letting it fall back. "I might go back to sleep."

"Chairman?" Kiryu's aide spoke and walked through the room. Just as he did, you fell into Kiryu's lap with your robe half done up and Kiryu's working hand up your thigh.

He stopped dead still when he saw both you and Kiryu on the bed. You in Kiryu's lap with your gown loose around your body. It was a very compromised position.

"Uhh...I'll come back." The aide bowed. "I'm sorry to interrupt, sir." And left the room, leaving the suite entirely.

"What's his problem?" You asked with a quizzical frown.

"You're sat on my lap, with my hand up your gown." Kiryu croaked with closed eyes and a tired smile.

"Oh." You removed yourself and sat adjacent, tying your robe back up.

"As soon as I can, I'll get you back to Tokyo."

You frowned. "Huh? Why?"

"Because it's almost been a week." Kiryu then coughed and you grabbed a napkin to let him splutter. "Sorry."

"I'm not going anywhere!" You demanded.

"You are. You almost got killed." Kiryu groaned, adjusting to sit up right.

"Kazuma, I am not going anywhere."

"Don't argue with me." He scolded flatly with almost no tone.

You straddled him and held his face so he was looking directly at you. Beneath his eyes he'd gained weakness dark circles and his beard was over grown slightly. Hair messy, eyes glossing over with exhaustion. He couldn't think straight. With each breath there was an incredible shooting pain. As if he'd been shot every time he'd taken a breath. Reliving the moment.

"I am not going anywhere." You whispered against his lips. "I'm staying right by your side."


"Because..." You paused. "I..." You dragged yourself out a little bit before hearing the noise of traffic. "I want to explore Seoul!"

"I'm not letting you do that."

"Who are you to stop me?" You challenged.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Kazuma, you need to rest." You urged, lifting from his lap and handing him a thick napkin. "Take a deep breath and hold it. Then cough the air out."

Thus proceeded his rehabilitation in the stuffy hotel room. The short walks started with him just lifting off the bed and walking around the suite slowly with the presence of his doctor. It looked so painful as he tried to stand up straight but his muscles had grown comfortable with him laying down.

Within a couple of days his breathing was regulated and he was walking comfortably for 5 minutes without the need to stop and sit down. He was stretching nicely, twisting his upper body slowly and lifting small objects. Such as a glass of water with that hand.

"Your physical body is getting better, Kazuma-kun." The doctor praised from Kiryu's bedside where he often sat in comfort. Wearing his now signature black gown. "Do you feel ready to go back out?"

"I'll try."

"That's all you can do, son." The doctor empathised. "Keep someone with you in case you need to stop and breathe."

You got ready for your outing and were so excited to take him with you even though you knew he'd struggle. You just wanted to walk around Seoul, despite getting shot. You liked exploring new places and this was a dream of yours. You'd never been to Korea before. You knew exactly how to get what you wanted.

Helping Kazuma get ready was a challenge. He managed to put his trousers on, put his socks on, put his shoes on but struggled to put a shirt on. And struggled to button it up. The sensation in his fingers was still waiting to return and something as small as buttons weren't capable of being done.

You heard him struggle and came in to help, pulling a foot stool up and standing on it so you could reach him. For the first time this entire week you were finally eye level to each other without holding his face.

"Struggling?" You asked with a gentle tease as you buttoned up his red shirt over his bandaged chest.

He scoffed. "No."

"Liar." You then reached his chest. "Do you want me to button them all the way up?"

"No." He shook his head.

Doing as told you stepped down from the footstool and grabbed his blazer, putting it over his shoulders. "Feeling okay?"

He nodded.

"Do you want to walk or do you want me to drive?" You asked.

"We can walk."

It was a slow walk. The city was warm but not too hot and you felt incredibly anxious. But in your guise you held Kiryu's arm and both of you walked through the city together. Without any guards. But with Kiryu's aide because he spoke Korean.

"How are you feeling?" You whispered to him as people spilled past the both of you.

"Fine." He reassured. "Don't worry."

"Where is it you'd like to go, sir?" The aide asked, smiling gently. "There's a lot to do around here..."

"Anywhere." You smiled and answered.

When you knew he was out of steam you both sat down at a coffee shop together, letting him take his blazer off and sit up right. His aide sat to his right, with his sun glasses on. It was gradually getting brighter.

The three of you heard a scream, like a girl who was excited and giddy. When a girl appeared, you all turned heads to see her stood at the end of the round table.

"Kiryu?" She asked, leaning over the table. "Is that you?"

And this woman looked nothing short of plastic. Her boobs were larger than her proportionate body, her lips were round and large in the shape of a perfect oval and she had long hair down to her shoulders & shaded black. She wore a ribbed cropped sweater with jeans. Her voice was like silk, incredibly smooth with a hint of playfulness.

"Gosh! I haven't seen you for a few months!" She went and sat right on his lap. "I miss you. You told me you'd call when you came back to Seoul!"

"Uhh..." Kiryu was now sat uncomfortably in his seat. "Yeah, about that..."

"Oh?" She peeked through his shirt. "Are you injured?! Oh my gosh!" She then held his chest gently and kissed his neck.

You stood up, grabbing your things and walking off.

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