The House of White Leaves

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The House of White Leaves

You slept like a baby that night. Feeling blissfully unaware of what was happening around you. Good sex does that to people.

The next morning you were awake and not unusually, Kiryu wasn't in the bed again. But you could hear him before you left the bedroom. The curiosity in you stayed put.

"I'm not meeting the Omi Alliance. There's no need. We're 2 separate entities."

"All I'm saying is hear them out."

"I don't have time to fight anyone."

"You used to visit Sotenbori often..."

"I stopped. If they see the Tojo chairman there they'll try and kill me. And as much as I don't mind dying, I'd rather be dead in Tokyo."

"Well, I've got an invitation to a party in Sotenbori and your presence is requested. Yours and Y/N's."

"A party? For what?"

"They're celebrating something to do with their Chairman. Chairman Goda."

"Sounds like a trap. They've never done this before."

"Out of the 2 organisations we're the ones who celebrate lavishly...they're focused on making money."

"And we're not? We only celebrate because we're making money."

"I didn't say that, Kiryu. I'm just saying that traditionally that's how it's been."

"Doesn't matter, Kashiwagi-san. I'll go. When is it?"


Life moved so fast for you now. One minute you were in a club partying and the next you were in car on the way to an airport with a flight to Osaka. Your dresses and lounge wear were all carried with clothing on them to protect them. A jet was waiting in a private hangar for the entire entourage.

"What's the occasion?" You asked when sitting in your seat next to Kiryu.

"A party. For the Omi Alliance chairman."

"Aren't they a rival?"

"It's good to keep enemies close. I've offered peace but they don't want it."

"Maybe this is their olive branch."

"Maybe. But it's naive to assume that."

The flight was only an hour long with boarding and landing but you almost didn't have time to breathe with how quickly you were on the move. In the back of the car, on the way to the hotel with every guard armed.

"Why the rush?"

"It gives them little time to follow you. I don't know what they're up to. I made a big risk by coming out here and bringing you with me." Kiryu sighed, playing with his watch.

"I'm sure we'll be ok." You reassured.

This entire episode was incredibly blurry because you couldn't fathom at what point you were doing what. Your make up was done, dress was on & so were shoes. It was incredibly fast and you couldn't wrap your brain around it. But it was fast so nobody had time to process exactly where you were. You. Nobody else.

Your dress was short and had tassels all over it. Your hair was in a low bun and your heels were shimmery. In your hands was a small silver clutch bag. Kiryu wore a black suit.

"Why do I need this?" You asked holding your clutch up.

"So nobody tries to shake your hand."

"Why do I need to worry about that?"

"So that you nobody tries to touch you."

The venue itself was a very large restaurant called The House of White Leaves. It had 2 floors, a live band playing, food being served and an upstairs which encased a private tatami room. The same live band that was playing in the restaurant not long ago. 3 women, 2 on guitars, 1 on the drums. They recognised Kiryu immediately but didn't stop playing. From their stage, they wondered what was happening.

A man approached the both of you. Bowing. Wearing an all black suit and black shirt. "Can I help you, sir?"

"I'm here to see Chairman Goda."

"And who are you?"

"Chairman Kazuma."

"Please follow me, chairman Kazuma."

"Stay with her. Don't let anyone near her." Kiryu instructed to his aide before disappearing upstairs with the guards.

In the room sat Chairman Goda. An old man sitting on a wheel chair with white hair and a white beard. Traditionally, the chairmen that had preceded Kiryu and Goda were relatively older. They held their positions till death and rarely retired before that. Because the power was so tasteful.

Removing his shoes, Kiryu sat on his knees on the floor right opposite to Chairman Goda with a large floor table separating the both of them. Bowing deeply before sitting up.

"When did you get married, Chairman Kazuma?" Goda asked.

"I'm not, Chairman Goda. She's my girlfriend."

"I see. What a beauty."

Back downstairs, you turned to his aide. "I don't think I'm liked."

"Neither am I. But, we keep our cool. Do you want a drink?"

"Sure. I'm going to the bathroom."

Momentarily you both separated. The bathroom was tucked away through deep wooden corridors and right past the kitchens. Though the dark corridors you found it but slammed into someone large as you went to open it and fell back onto your bum with your clutch bag falling opening next to you. Revealing your contents.

A phone.

A lipstick.

A tampon.

A pair of earrings.

"I'm sorry 'bout that." A deep voice spoke. So deep you felt it in your cunt. "Here, lemme help ya."

Kneeling down you finally saw the man in front of you. Blond. Completely blond. With blond hair, blond eyebrows and a blond beard. It clearly wasn't his natural hair colour. And across his mouth lay the biggest most hideous scar you'd ever seen on a man.

You let him help you up and when he saw you he was transfixed on you. He was also incredibly tall. A lot taller than the men around you tonight. And Kiryu. A lot taller.

"Are ya here with anyone?" He asked, holding your little clutch a little longer in his large hands. He was wearing a beige suit and had the first few buttons undone.

"There you are." Kiryu's aide interjected.

"I see ya are." He answered, handing you your belongings.

Kiryu's aide saw who it was and frowned. "Come on, Y/N. Let's go." He put his hand over your shoulder and guided you away from the stranger.

Ryuji looked at you and and you looked back before leaving. He adored your physique, your face, your eyes. What a sight. But he knew exactly who was guiding you. He saw the pin on his suit.

"A pretty girl here with the Tojo?" Ryuji frowned.

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