Play the Fool

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Play the Fool

Kiryu had something happening this evening and it would happen with or without you. With would've been better but without didn't seem too bad as oddly as that might've sounded. Space was always important.

It was just some sort of party which required he show his face so the host could show people that he was connected to the fourth chairman and knew him well enough. Kiryu didn't charge for these things because it was nice to meet various people but his presence did cause people to connect to him. Kiryu wanted to be the chairman who connected to people himself and linked with the right people. Vice versa, the right people linking to him. There was nothing more useful than knowing the right person. A person who was able to do this very specific thing.

Giving his most of his boys the night off, Kiryu took Sean with him. The youngest, the less experienced. It was more so a lesson in etiquette when it came to linking with the chairman. It was a truly sacred bond.

"Is Y/N not with you?" Sean asked, focusing on the road while driving.

"I don't see her." Kiryu sarcastically remarked.

"I heard you both fighting."

"Every couple has arguments. Right?"

"I guess so. Y/N seemed anxious today."

"Maybe my approach wasn't the best. I'm sure in time she'll understand what I'm doing."

"Do you think she did cheat on you?"

Kiryu was silent and staring at the back of Sean's head.

"I-I'm sorry. That wasn't appropriate."

Silence. It angered him that people around him had thought he'd been cheated on. That's why arguments are always best kept behind closed doors and the United front reaches the world.

"Our actions have consequences. Good or bad."

Kiryu was greeted so pleasantly by people. They all bowed and some shook his hand. The entire event stopped momentarily before continuing. Sean then realised just how important this person truly was. People gravitated towards him and wanted to make a lasting first impression regardless of what they were doing in the present moment.

Armed with your debit card to hand, you managed to put yourself up in a hotel for the night and decided to read through the pregnancy plan your midwife had made for you. You sat in the hotel robe and at the table by the large window, peacefully reading and sighing.

"What am I doing with my life?" You mumbled into your hands.

Your phone rang and you saw it, reaching your hand over the table and flipping it up to answer it. "Hello?"

"Y/N?" Your friend asked.


"There's an event happening in a hotel in Arakawa. I've heard the chairman is there. Will you be?"

You raised an eyebrow, proceeding to ask which hotel and your friend replied. It was a high rolling hotel. The same one that the chairman owned shares in, the one you both had sex in for the first time.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Kiryu on the other hand had no issue building connections without you by his side. Because he could work with or without you. With was preferred but without worked too. The card you'd turned hadn't given you a positive result and it actually backfired. But getting angry wasn't going to make anything smooth over, getting on with it would.

Wearing a satin collared dress with long sleeves and a length to your upper knee, you jumped into the back of a taxi while putting your earrings in. In the rear view mirror you applied lipstick and once satisfied you worked on the buckle of your thin heels.

"Going somewhere nice?" The taxi driver asked with a gentle laugh.

"Just to a party."

"Have fun!"

While Kiryu continued talking to a well known, old timing politician.

"Where's Y/N, Kiryu-kun?" The old politician asked. Significantly smaller due to age and very grey.

The alibi tonight was the fact that you felt unwell. You were suffering with a cold, you felt unwell to leave the home and wanted time to rest. But you walked through the party and found your man because he stood taller than nearly everyone and had someone accompanying him consistently.

"Hi!" You smiled.

Kiryu turned to you and with a blink of an eye his expression hid his shock. How did you knew where he was, how did you get in? After telling everyone that you weren't well, how the fuck did you end up here? You knew he'd make that alibi. He eyed you down and was surprised at how beautiful you looked but still felt angered at how you'd acted earlier. But that wasn't the point right now.

"There you are." The politician smiled, holding your hand gently.

"I know. I didn't feel to well but I decided to come nonetheless." You smiled.

"What a charmer." The politician admired, petting you, fussing you, complimenting you. "I'm so glad you came. Me and Kiryu-kun were talking about you."

"Good things I hope."

Drinking was off the cards for you tonight so you opted for soft drinks and water. Thankfully your morning sickness (which often plagued you in the evening) was being combatted by dry crackers which a kind waitress brought over to you because the word had spread across the occupants that the chairman's girlfriend was here and didn't particularly feel well. The fuss was real.

Kiryu didn't leave your side, despite the quarrels plaguing you both, not once. Neither of you had a quiet moment together so you couldn't actually talk but you knew you would need to eventually. You'd admit your wrongdoing and show him the red book your midwife began filling out for you. She offered you an ultrasound but you rebooked for another day where Kiryu would be with you.

"And so I said, well either it's the red ones or it's none." The joyous woman laughed, wife of a well known politician, loads of money, no idea what to do with it. Here she was in her flesh and flashy outfit talking about the shoes she wanted.

"It's amazing the first world problems you seem to have." You gently laughed (very sarcastically) with your drink in your hand.

"Tell me, Y/N." She began. "Do you stick by the chairman for his money or because you love him?"

You stared right into this woman's face.

"This is a man's world." She advised very much against your will. "How did you do it?"

"Because he's made me his world." You smiled. "There's the difference."

She cheered joyously with her cocktail in her hand. "And that's why! You witty little thing." Her attention was diverted and she excused herself.

Kiryu then appeared behind you and you jumped gently. "Ready to go?"

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα