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"I'm sure the chairman has told you why you're here." She sat next to you with a smile that looked so fake.

"I don't actually know why I'm here." Your tone came out harsher than expected.

"Well, chairman Kazuma can explain." She put the folder down and left the office. Left her own office to provide privacy to the chairman.

"Kiryu what is going on?" You turned to him sat next to you. "What is happening?" You grew anxious. "Why am I here?"

"Calm down, Y/N. I'm signing 3 businesses over to you."

You frowned. "Why?"

"Look." He held your hand. "We're having a child. And I need to look after my family. The best way to do that is to provide you with an income."

"I don't know how to do this..."

"I'll show you." He reassured.

You pushed yourself out of your chair and shot up, angry and incredibly frustrated at how things were now panning out for you.

"Why are you putting this responsibility on me?" You asked.

Kiryu knew you were anxious and probably hadn't heard what he just said. So he repeated it. "So that I can look after you properly."

"And you want me to run 3 of your businesses for you?"

"No. You just get their monthly income." Kiryu sat forward. "I'll be doing the running. If something happens to me, it'll be the next chairman. You don't have to do anything, Y/N."

"The point isn't doing anything!" You began shouting. "Why are you dumping such a huge burden on me?"

"It's not a burden, Y/N. I don't want you or my child to be struggling. I could die any minute, someone could shoot me at any point."

"Kazuma..." you threw your hands in the air. "I'm done." You defeated. "I'm done."

Kiryu stood up and went to console you, you moved away. "Come on, baby."

"No, don't baby me." You pushed him. "I don't need this. I don't want this." You checked your wrist watch. "I have to go."

"Go where?" Kiryu frowned.

"I have a midwife appointment." You went to leave.

"Well I'm coming with you." Kiryu pulled you back.

"No. You're not."

"Yeah, I am. Do you know why?" He swung you against the wall and pinned you there. "Because it's my child as much as it's yours. Why didn't you tell me you had an appointment?"

You were angry. Spewing. Absolutely furious. And so was he.

"You can't just assume I don't want to be a part of this child's life." Kiryu scolded. "Because it's mine as much as it's yours."

"How do you know that?" You challenged.

"Know what?"

"That it's yours." You raised an eyebrow.

On your part, it was a low blow. You were trying to antagonise him and doing it absolutely incorrectly. He fell into your trap, momentarily. He wanted you to have the satisfaction of getting one up. He let go of you.

"So you cheated on me?" He frowned with a false rage.

"Maybe I did."

With a man as stubborn and as headstrong as Kiryu was, you were truly playing a dangerous game. Like an cat when they turn their head to the side to make sense of their owner, he did the same thing. Between his brows lay thin lines to show how often he frowned at everything and how rarely he smiled at anything.

"Fine." He dismissed, sitting down back in his seat and picking up the contracts. The ones he'd spent all day drafting for you to make sure you had to do as little as possible for maximum reward. Ones that ensured you and the offspring were ok regardless of any wrongdoing. He then clicked his lighter and lit the 3 pages on fire. "Go. And take the father of the child with you."

You went to leave, you turned the knob on the door.

"But you don't want to make an enemy of me." Kiryu warned, watching the contracts burn in his hands. Slowly turning to ash as the flames worked their way across.

You left, walking past his entourage and they turned their heads. Even his lawyer.

"She didn't seem happy about that." She pointed out, removing her glasses and knocking the door.

Kiryu had put a cigarette in his mouth and used the burning contracts to light it up, proceeding to douse the burning papers out hastily.

"What happened, chairman?" His lawyer asked attentively.

"Override the changes made." Kiryu smoked. "I'll retain ownership."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why?" He removed the cigarette from his mouth and blew out the smoke in the opposite direction to his lawyer. "Is it not possible?"

"Well, I have no contract to override." She suggested whilst looking at the bits of burnt paper on her desk.

You rode the train to the midwife's office. Sitting down in an empty seat and dazing off whilst the previous conversation replayed in your mind like a broken record. The majority of the day was spent apart.

"When did you last have a period?" The midwife asked very gently, holding a pen in her hand a large red book.

You looked at her. Her tired and heavily bagged eyed, her grey hair in a small Bob and round glasses perched on her low nose bridge. She was experienced as stated on her name badge. But her first impression wasn't resonating with you for some reason.

"I was...actually taking the pill."

"How long for?"

"3 years."

"And you stopped to have a baby?"

"No. I just forgot and got pregnant."

"I see." She smiled. "It happens."

"Does it?"

"You'd be surprised Y/N. What happened? How come you forgot?" She was genuinely curious.

"I got busy."

"What's your occupation?"

Stripper, dancer, exotic dancer, performer, pole swinger, a criminal's plaything? You remained silent.

"I understand." Your midwife simply stated, jotting it down. "Do you know the father?"


"Are you with them?"

You sighed. "Yes." I think so.

"That's good! How come he isn't here today?"

Because I might've told him the child is someone else's. "He had work to do and couldn't get the time off."

"What does he do?"

He's a chairman to the one of the largest criminal organisations in Japan. "He's the chairman of a large business."

Her eyes lit up. "I see! No wonder you don't need to work. Plenty of rest for you and the baby."

You nervously laughed. "Yeah. Plenty."

The Chairman's Girlfriend (REVISED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon