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Keeping yourselves quiet was difficult. But he had an entire fucking suite within Seoul to himself.  What was even more difficult was getting Kiryu to actually have sex with you. Which was unusual for a man who, only hours early, was bragging that he'd slept around. Like you were the local untouchable and somehow he wanted to preserve you. Yeah right. As if. A man who's sinned as much as this? I doubt he'd want to savour it.

"Why won't you?" You whined.

"Why should I?" He grinned.

The next morning you woke up with an unsatisfied frustration sitting deep within your body. Like you needed to release the pent up anger within your muscles to ensure you didn't hurt anyone. They were twinging and incredibly restless. Especially your legs and thighs. As a result of that, you felt incredibly annoyed, angry, snappy, edged. Kiryu, on the other hand, was incredibly calm. He was sat at the table, nurses changing his bandages and reading something in the paper. Like he gained some sort of self healing cleanse out of restricting your urges.

Seoul wasn't sunny. A gentle patter of rain fell against the hotel windows along with the swells of grey which decided it was a dull day. The presidential suite within this particular hotel, elegantly named six seasons, had bulletproof and sound proofed windows. So it sounded incredibly muffled. How could he remain so calm? Didn't he feel frustrated? Didn't he know that you felt frustrated?

Heavily engrossed in his article regarding himself, Kiryu remained fixated. He wasn't paying attention to his surrounds or even listening to anything around him. Becoming somewhat of a small celebrity caused him a great deal of minor anxiety. He didn't know how to reciprocate such attention.

"Don't you feel weird sitting with your shirt off?" You argued in annoyance. His entire presence was irritating you today.

"Not really, no." Kiryu responded whilst looking at his newspaper.

"Lift." The nurse instructed and Kiryu did so, sitting back in his chair and lifting his arm casually. It was uncomfortable.

When he could, his arm was back down and he pushed the newspaper towards you. "Have a read."

"What is it?" You pulled the floating papers towards you and noticed a picture of you and Kiryu from last night. Screaming at each other...from the bathroom...? "What?" You asked with a frown.

"That's why it's important to understand that where you go and what you do directly impacts me." Kiryu explained whilst tearing open a small packet of cigarettes. Taking one out of the 20 available, putting it in his mouth and lighting it. The lighter clicked once, clicked twice, clicked thrice.

"What about what you do to me?" You challenged.

It then clicked a final time before lighting. But Kiryu looked at you with a deep frown. Removing the cigarette from his mouth and turning to the people in the room, signalling for them to dismiss themselves. Mainly the nurses and 1 guard lingering around. They left the room and once the door was shut, he fired up.

"What's wrong with you this morning?" He asked very calmly.

"I'm just frustrated!" You lifted yourself off the chair and pushed it back, beginning to pace back & forth in the hotel suite.

Kiryu sat back, abandoning the cigarette and watching you pace around in your manic rant. Waving your hands around as you begun releasing your pent up. He would listen to you intently, taking in each word slowly with its register.

"You're using me like a pawn! I'm frustrated about it! Royally fucked off. You're using me. Which I understand! But when I want something you're unable to deliver!"

He listened.

"I'm sitting here caring for you but I'm really not feeling any care back. I just want to know you care about me! I like you! I don't even know if you like me back!"

He was silent.

"Stuck in Seoul with a criminal who's been shot at. Not just any criminal. The Fourth Chairman of the Tojo. The most well known criminal." You bumped your head gently. "Ugh, who would've known."

When you were silent and stood with your arms crossed, only then did Kiryu speak.

"Can I speak?"

"What do you have to say?" You sighed, holding your head.

"Is this all because we never had sex last night?" Kiryu asked very gently but bluntly.

Yes. "No!"

"You like me? Okay. I like you too." Kiryu stood up from his seat and leant against the dining table. "I like you a lot. I want you to be with me. How does that sound?"

You went to speak but nothing came out...

"You don't want to be with me? I've told you I like you. I like you so much."

But it sounded just like filler. Polyethylene filler. A substance used to fill gaps. He'd seen the gap in your feelings and was going to fill it for you by means of convenience.

He then crossed his arms. The muscles tensing over his chest. "Is that what you want to hear?"


"You don't understand do you? That I'm trying to protect you. You've seen what happens to me, to people around me. They end up hurt or dead." Kiryu explained. "I've reached a point in my life where I need an aide around me all the time to make sure I don't die. And if I do die, my aide reports it to my captain who will stand as an interim chairman."

No response.

"I'm a man who's carrying the weight of 65,000 men. And that number has gone up by 500 in the last seconds. I've got patriarchs with their own families, I've got lieutenants, lawyers, politicians. People I'm keeping in a job just by being the Chairman of the Tojo."


"I see my face in newspapers all the time. I've threatened someone, I've silenced someone, I'm the reason why an elderly couple was forced out of their home, I'm the reason why a woman is pregnant."


"But, I'm not a difficult man. I'll give you what you want." He explained. The look in his face was of a wolf ready to pounce on their prey. Hauntingly tempting. "Take it all. All of me."

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