Poison Tree

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Poison Tree
Graphic depiction of suicide. 

A party was just what you both needed and the next day you got one. Some sort of celebration on a yacht which brought in the leaders of the most notable families. It was a yacht, eloquently named Ocean Monkey but it ensured that it was tightly packed and very busy. People spilled onto deck, inside, everywhere. No alcohol being served and life guards on duty. This was to ensure that nobody was drunk enough to try and fall overboard. It was a fuss.

The Tokyo skyline was incredibly colourful against the glimmering black water. From your stateroom you admired it and sighed at how beautiful it truly was. You imagined it would be visible from space.

You wore a hot pink velvet dress with thin straps and joined Kiryu to appear on deck to say hi and socialise. The first person who came up to you was a woman. She was wearing a suit and had a bun which was neat. Her chest revealed her true age whereas her face did not. On her upset chest you saw wrinkles due to years of neglecting SPF.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." She bowed. "My name is Noya Narumi."

"Nice to meet you." You gently bowed back. "I've heard you're the newest enterprise to join the Tojo?"

"I am." She smiled and stood up. "I didn't realise the Chairman had such a beautiful woman sitting at home."

You raised an eyebrow, picking the most obscure part of her sentence. "What do you mean?"

"Oh?" She perked. "I thought you would've known."

"Known what exactly, Narumi?"

"That me and him were making out in an office yesterday." She dazed off and her name was called so she excused herself.

You looked over at Kiryu who was sat down inside discussing something with a lot older than him. It was cosy in there and very sheltered. Sharing a drink or two. The audacity of him to cheat on you. But wait, you didn't get ahead of yourself. People talked, they did it well around here.

Without hesitation you went up to to the biggest and most reliable source of gossip. The wives and mistresses. They greeted you with open arms and did so often. And you knew how the trick worked. You took the one who spoke to you the nicest to one side. She was partner of Kashiwagi.

"Do you know anything about Narumi?" You swirled your soft drink in its glass.

"Has she come up to you?" She asked gently, her hand on your shoulder.


"I don't know who she is, Y/N. But..."

"But what?"

"One of Kashiwagi's guards saw them in his office yesterday together..."


She nodded in shame. "They were together, her leg was around his waist."

You felt incredibly limp at that point, your legs turning to jelly and your head spinning. Everything you'd eaten and drank at that point was ready to come back up and you were unsure whether it was pregnancy sickness or not. While your heart pounded in your chest you excused yourself.

It felt suffocating to stand amongst such disgusting people. Men who often cheated on their wives, wives who used money to show the world how wealthy they were, men who probably had children with different women. It was incredibly disgusting. All of a sudden you felt you needed to get away from it all.

You ran through the yacht and to the stern where you nobody would be. With tears down your face you pushed past people and ran, ran as fast as you could to this remote corner. Leaning over the stern against a metal barrier, staring into the black water and seeing it reflect back the neon lights.

"Whaddya doin', Y/N?" A deep voice asked behind you.

You turned and looked at him, deep in breath. It was a man who you remembered seeing at West Park. Goro Majima. Wearing a black suit and red shirt.

"What do you want?" You asked in agitation.

"I just wanna smoke." He held up a non lit cigarette. "An' I heard ya cryin' so..."

"Go away."

"Yeaaaah, can't do that now." He shrugged, moving closer to you. "If ya do anythin' now then I'm in trouble."

"Just be quiet! You don't need to be here! Go!" You dismissed, climbing over the railing onto the other side.

"Ya had a fight with someone or somethin'? Why ya hangin' off the back of the yacht?" Majima quizzed gently. Looking at you.

"You men." You cried. "You're all the same." You spat quite harshly.

"Why ya sayin' that?"

"Cheat on your wives and girlfriends."

"Ya had an argument with Kiryu or somethin'?"

"He was making out with Narumi."


You nodded as the chilling cold air caused you to shiver.

"I don't think that's true."

"W-what would you know?! You're a man! All men are the same!"

Majima leant against the railing. "I ain't sayin' I'm a saint. I made mistakes. But I know Kiryu wouldn't do that."

"Of course you'll defend him." You leant forward.

"Come on, it ain't worth it." Majima reasoned and leant into you. "An I know yer pregnant."

You looked directly into his face with jagged breath and pale lips.

"I ain't told nobody." Majima reassured. "I know people talk. But for the sake of yer child at least...don't ya wanna live?"

Did you?

"Think about it." Majima gently explained. "They grow up, they get bigger, older, start walkin', talkin'...an' the father is one hell of a man."

You looked down at the water.

"I know that man would pull worlds apart to make sure his family is safe." Majima reassured.

"You have to say that!"

"I really don't." Majima admitted. "I can be loyal to my boss and still admit when he's a piece of shit. An' out of every boss I've had, I've got the most respect for him."

"This means nothing to me." You shut him down.

"Think about yer child." Majima reiterated. "They ain't capable of understandin' how yer feelin'. It's not fair to them."

When Majima saw it was settling in, he gave his hand. "Come on. Come over."

When you get went go grab his hand, your foot slipped and you fell straight down from the stern and into the black water.

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