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Pidge and hunk walked to the kitchen common space area to grab some lunch as they heard someone already in the kitchen. Pidge peaked over the side and saw lance cooking something up.

"Wow look who can cook?" Pidge snorted walking in with hunk. Lance had earbuds in and was mumbling to himself as he chopped up carrots.

"Lance?" Hunk walked over curiously to see what he was making. He snapped his fingers in front of him catching his friends gaze.

"Oh hey, what's up?" Lance smiled shyly as he took an ear bud out.

"What food poisoning are you making?" Pidge teased.

"Just some beef stew, it's nice to have human food again," he kept chopping the carrots keeping his eyes down.

"Your putting like nothing in it," Pidge looked over at the ingredients. Lance grabbed the onion and slammed the knife down on it to split it in half in one go.

"If you dont want it, don't eat it, I'm just making it for fun, not for everyone," lance grinded out with a smile.

"Whats got you all keith like?" She leaned back against hunk.

"Nothing, why?" He lied as he started to cut the onions.

"Didn't you get in a fight with Allura or something?" Hunk asked as he heard someone talking about lance getting in trouble for something in the morning. He didn't even know lance left.

"Nope, I apologized and it's all good now, I'm fine," lance shrugged but flinched when he accidentally cut his finger.

"Shit," he hissed going over to wash the cut so the onion juice didn't cause more pain.

"You sure your okay lance?" Hunk asked concerned.

"It's all good man, just trying to keep busy, being in a war gets you antsy, who knew," he chuckled sarcastically.

"Busy hands keep you out of your thoughts," he turned back to them wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Hello Paladins, didn't know you all were cooking," James entered the kitchen.

"Hunks our usual cook," pidges smirked back at the captain.

Lance glared at them as he dropped the onions in the broth that was simmering behind him.

"Smells like a good home cooked meal," James sat with them. Lance rolled his eyes dropping in the carrots as well.

"Eat it or dont, I don't care," lance mumbled to himself.

"Oh mind throwing me that apple? I just want a snack," Pidge beamed brightly at him. Lance did so before grabbing the potatoes and the beef from the sink, washing the potatoes earlier and letting the beef defrost.

"Alright we'll see you around man," hunk waved as the two left. Lance and James looked at each other for a moment then broke the solid eye contact.

"Whatcha want Griffin?" Lance let out a long sigh.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing with the morning And all," he said gently. Lance turned around like a whole new person with defeat in his eyes.

"I'm fine, I shouldn't have been so careless, I'm sorry for getting Ryan in trouble," he crossed his arms looking down.

"Hey no one is in trouble, No one is upset about it, we're all just kids," James smiled gently.

"Why are you being nice? My foods not that good," lance raised a brow confused.

"I just wanted to see why kinkade is always bugging you, hope he's not being to much," Griffin grinned. He knew better that kinkade is anything but to much, but he wanted to see lances side of things.

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