Midnight snacks

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"So how do you like it? I haven't cooked in like three years, please I take criticism," lance blushed as he put a bowl of the stew in front of Ryan as it was middle of the night, they were the only ones up.

"Don't ever tell my mom, but I think you topped her in beef stew," Ryan smiled brightly as he ate with pure joy. It was amazing, maybe just a great difference from a steady diet and packaged foods but it tasted like heaven to him.

"I didn't see you grab a book or anything?" Ryan looked at him with a spoon in his mouth.

"Uh aha I guess I remembered it pretty well, I always helped my mama and Abuela in the kitchen with dinner," lance smiled softly as he grabbed the bread out of the oven that Ryan made quickly out of the French bread they found, some herbs and melted butter that was toasted.

"I never am going to take advantage of bread again, we should make garlic knots next time," lance turned to him as he handed Ryan half of bread that was still warm.

"I've never learned how to make those," Ryan dipped the bread in the stew and took a bite. He looked like he was going to pass out at the combination.

"Lance you have to try this," Ryan dipped the opposite side and held it up for lance to try. The Cuban leaned over and Ryan fed it to him, making both of their hearts skip a beat when they accidentally made eye contact. Lance backed off with a bright red face and nodded frantically.

"We make a good team it seems with cooking," lance covered his mouth while he chewed.

"It looks like it," Ryan coughed awkwardly looking down as he couldn't breathe. Why was it things like this that made him feel foolish, why does something like a crush make him feel like a completely different person? Is that how crushes are? Is this normal? If only lance...

"Hey so... I was thinking about telling my sister... that I'm bi," lance said softly turning away. Ryan looked at him wide eyes, there was no way lance feels the same, why would he be interested in a quiet cadet like him? Lance is to out of his league, he's a Paladin of voltron, he could have anyone he wanted.

No he was getting ahead of himself.

"Really? Are you sure that you..." Ryan trailed off nervously.

"No I'm sure, it makes the most sense, I am glad that there's a name for what I feel instead of thinking it was crazy," he smiled a little to himself.

"I like girls, I do a lot, but I like boys, I would date both,  fuck... I have kissed both and I like it," lance blushed at the stupid confession.

"I'm not.. ready to tell everyone, if anything your the first person I've actually admitted it too," he chuckled looking at Ryan gently.

"I'm honored your able to share with me," Ryan smiled.

"You shared your coming out to me, and it really helped actually, thank you Ryan," the blue eye boy smiled with his whole body, his shoulders picked up as his eyes crinkled when he smiled, a small laugh through the nose. It made the olive eyed boys heart fluttered again.

"I would do anything to help you, no need to thank me," he breathed looking down again.

"I do wanna ask you about someone though, I know a lot of people died when the galra first attacked," lance looked at his feet as well.

"Who?" Ryan raised a brow.

"Nick haiz, he was a cargo pilot," he gulped.

"I'm sorry, he did die in the same battle as Adam Wyatt," Ryan remembered the name, he was good with names, especially for their fallen pilots. What if no one else remembered them.

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