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Lance stepped into a shower with the water coming from the ceiling, he sighed relieved when water ran down his body. It's been to long since he was able to take a shower, in a private bathroom more than anything.

He watched the dirt from the desert wash off his skin as he used soap to scrub at his arms to feel clean once again. Lance closed his eyes letting it wash off him, tilting his face towards the water.

It was silent besides the sound of the water, he was relaxing. He breathed softly as his arms hugged around his bare chest. Lances hand snaked itself behind his back as he lightly touched his scar that was scattered across his upper back from the explosion a year ago. It was faded a little more but it was obvious still. He inhaled deeply as he pulled his hand back to touch other battle scars he's survived. A small scar on his side from behind shot, a slice from Lotors generals on his arm. He didn't mind many of the small scars he had but the defined ones he's had he hated. He no longer felt comfortable going shirtless, knowing people were staring at his back. Only Keith has seen him shirtless since and it was when he thought he'd be going to the pool alone.

He was so embarrassed by how many scars he's gotten from the short time period. He needed to get better..


"Oh my god that shower felt amazing, I'm never taking basic hygiene for granted ever again," Lance put on a white garrison hoodie with basketball shorts on under. Pidge, Keith, hunk, shiro and Allura all hung out in one of the lounge rooms as everyone took a shower and was in comfortable clothes for the first night they're back.

"I love how soft these clothes pieces are, what are they again?" Allura smiled as her white hair was wet still.

"Hoodies, I do miss having them," lance sat next to her. "Mind if I braid your hair back? You'll catch a cold if you let it be soaked like this,"

"I know how to handle my own hair," Allura pouted a little. He smiled a little at her still waiting for an answer, she sighed and gave in.

"I know what I'm doing, anyways so are we bunking up with each other or like what's the deal on that?" Lance sat sideways as Allura turned as well and let him do whatever.

"Pidge, hunk, Allura and you are bunking up, it's four per room but Keith and I already have an dorm here from before," shiro told him as lance started at the crown of Alluras head and started to French braid.

"Yea hunk we get to bunk again!" Lance smiled brightly as Allura and Pidge looked at each other flatly.

"But we're girls? Don't we get a separate room?" Allura asked as griffin and kinkade walked in.

"We share our room with the girls, they get one side and we got the other," Griffin plopped himself on the couch as lance finished Alluras braid and scooted over for kinkade to sit with him.

"So all four of you share a dorm?" Lance asked.

"Yep, luckily we have two bathrooms," griffin cut in as kinkade opened his mouth. Lance laid his legs against kinkades lap relaxed as Allura and Keith looked at each other confused noticing them.

"You're hairs curly," kinkade noticed Lances clean towel dried hair.

"It's just longer, it's been a while since I've gotten it cut, plus with no dirt and gross stuff in it I guess it's coming back," lance made a face touching his dark hair as he never liked his curly hair.

"It does look better clean," he teased as lance rolled his eyes laying on his back as his head bumped against Allura. He smiled up at her as she scooted another inch away. Kinkade gave her a look frowning.

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