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Lance teleported into the cavern with cosmos next to him as everyone was still sleeping. Lance felt himself grow tired as he was actually having a conversation with someone instead of sitting alone in the night. He couldn't stop the smile on his face for the kind boy he met, it was just relieving, there was barely any talk about the war, kinkade explained more of the stars to him and events, lance knew the constellations but let kinkade talk about them anyways.

"Hey man," lance shook Keith's shoulder gently. Keith peeked his eyes open and saw lance.

"dawn?" He asked. Lance nodded.

"Alright," Keith yawned as lance slipped his jacket off and waited for Keith to be fully awake before getting comfortable on the ground to get some sleep. It's only going to be five hours so he doesn't stay up all night but he still wanted to sleep soon, maybe longer.

"I'll wake the others in an hour," Keith stood up as he went to start the fire and lance laid down.

"Cool, I'll be snoring away by then," lance smiled and used his jacket as a pillow.

"You seem perky for a morning person," Keith quirked a brow as he ruffled his messy black hair with a yawn.

"There was a meteor shower last night, it was cool," lance laid on his back smirking at Keith.

"Damn should've woken me up, those are true best," Keith shared a smirk back.

"Whoops, maybe next time my man," lance chuckled rolling over as his back faced lance now and Keith waited for a little until he heard lances breathing evened out with soft snores.

He walked over to light the fire and waited for the others to start to wake up.


"Yo kinkade, How was the shower last night?" A pale boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes sat in a bunk bed seeing his friend enter the room as a dark haired girl with tan skin was still sleeping.

"It was nice," kinkade said softly as he felt tiredness consume him seeing his bed. He needed at least four hours of sleep, it was only dawn, protocol isn't for another two hours. Maybe he can sneak off later.

"Anything cool happen?" Griffin asked and kinkade just shrugged with a small grunt pulling himself up onto the top bunk above the boy, girls get one side they get the other.

"Yea, well don't expect me to go easy on you in training," griffin chuckled as kinkade scrolled through pictures of the night on his camera, he didn't let anyone look at his stuff or his art unless he wanted them too, he was more personal than the others and they respected him for it.

"I wouldn't expect anything else," kinkade smirked back at his friend as griffin went to go shower, closing the bathroom door behind him leaving kinkade and snoring Rizavi.

He got good shots of the stars shooting across the sky, mountains in the background. Some where he had to lay on the ground to get the horizon line with the desert, some dead plants in the distance but the cliff on the side to frame the picture better. That lance, he was something else, he teased kinkade when he had to squat in awkward positions, laughed every time he got up from the ground and had dirt over his whole body.

He found the picture of lance as he seemed perfectly photogenic. His facial features and body type was perfect for a photo, even thou he had a green jacket around his waist with the black suit tight on his body. Lance was a good asset to the photos. After lance saw the first one, kinkade didn't mind as much with lance being in some others, they still looked great, as he walked away from the car, lance stayed on the hood. He even fell asleep for ten minutes, leaning against the windshield window with his arms crossed. It might've been a little creepy but it was a great photo still.

Lance was really something else, he seemed to enjoy a new Conrad just as much as kinkade did, a new persons opinion. Lance mentioned being stuck with the same people for months, his team, the real team of voltron.

But they werent soldiers, no pilots, no paladins, just two boys having a good time with each other, acting their age for once. Kinkade just turned 19 before the galra took over the earth, Lance seemed 18 or so, but it was still nice. Lance was funny and actually got him to say more than two sentences, laugh. They got to be teenagers again.

Kinkade put the camera down and laid on his side with his back to the others and he faced the wall. Pulling the white blanket up to his shoulder resting on the pillow with a soft sigh. Two hours he has, hopefully he'll be ready enough for the day and the training he has to hold up.

But it was worth it.

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