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"Wow I just... can't believe Lance could hide something like that," hunk gulped as voltron sat in Keith and shiros apartment as Allura told the team with Veronica behind her.

"Keith I thought you talked to him last night," Shiro was standing as all the Paladins sat on the couches. Lance hasn't been seen in hours.

"I did, he's just been staying at the mfe pilots, he didn't mention he was dating one," Keith had his hands clasped together in his lap as he bounced his leg. He felt guilty for not even asking something like that.

"And you said he and kinkade have been dating for three weeks now?" Shiro raised a brow at Veronica.

"Yea, I caught lance and Ryan sleeping together when I went to find him, three weeks is what he said," she sighed softly.

"Wow I thought it's been way longer," he shrugged and everyone looked at Shiro shocked.

"What? I'm not the only one who knew they at least had strong feelings, I suspected they've been dating, I know Lance would tell us when he was ready, he's not openly bisexual," Shiro said like it was obvious but no one knew what to say.

"How-how did you know?" Allura asked wide eyes.

"It was so obvious," he smiled sweetly.

"He also told me about your family? Veronica," Shiro sighed looking at her.

"I know that absolutely took a big part of him hiding the relationship, yea," she nodded crossing her arms.

"What about your family?" Keith sat up straighter having a feeling already why.

"They're not accepting about myself and now lance, our sexualities are just.. sins to our parents," she pursed her lips and Keith nodded slowly.

"Well he still has us, lance is still lance to us," Pidge offered softly with a nod.

"I'm more upset that he lied to us about it all," Allura looked down. She refused to believe this was the lance she knew, it had to be an act, his way of getting attention once again.

"What do you mean?" Hunk frowned.

"He said he doesn't like the same gender, and now he's in a relationship with one," Allura scoffed rolling her eyes.

"He was in denial, it was obvious he was trying to convince himself, I wish he came to talk to me about it," Shiro looked at her gently trying to explain it. It might not make as much sense to an altean when it was pretty common for humans.

"I'm going to go find him," Shiro said after a moment of silence.

"He wants to be alone," Veronica said softly.

"He might, but doesn't mean he shouldn't know he has to be," he smiled back at her.

As soon as Shiro went to open the door he heard a knock.

He opened the door and smiled seeing Lance was at the door.

"Shiro I need to talk to you," lance mumbled.

He looked over seeing everyone was already in the room.

"I uh... I meant alone, but seems like everyone is here," he looked down embarrassed.

"We'll talk alone," Shiro walked into the hall with a small smile as he closed the door behind him.

"I guessing you already know," lance whispered.

"I've known for a while, same when I knew in the desert too," Shiro touched his shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry," he sniffled.

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