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Ryan was on his phone as he walked down the halls while cadets passed by, he heard Veronica was close and looked up hearing her voice and saw her talking to another man that was tall and skinny, it looked like her brother, he had longer hair and brown eyes but he shared similar facial features with lance and Veronica. Either Luis or Marco.

"Hey Veronica," kinkade walked over wanting to speak to her about lance one on one.

"Kinkade, what can I do for you?" Veronica smiled softly seeing him.

"I just wanted to personally apologize to you, I'm sorry for not telling you about lance but I had good reason," kinkade looked at her calmly but her smile dropped immediately.

"Did something happen to lance? Ron what happened to lance?" The brother looked concerned for their youngest sibling.

"No lance is fine, uh lance snuck out of his dorm the other night out to the desert with kinkade and Rizavi," Veronica lied a little.

"Oh that as well but no I mean-" "cadet can I speak to you alone?" Veronica narrowed her eyes at him.

"Veronica if something happened to lance please tell me, I haven't seen him really and I've been worried about him, Marco and Rachel have been worried too," Luis touch his older sisters shoulder.

"I wanted to apologize for hiding my relationship with your brother," kinkade offered before he was interrupted again.

"Shit lance came out?" Luis perked up.

"What is he pan too?" Luis grinned at the younger boy.

"Uh no, he identified himself as bi," Ryan shook his head but Veronica looked irritated.

"You his boyfriend? He raised a brow.

"Mmhm," the green eye boy crossed his arms nodding not seeing why Veronica was upset. Luis didn't seem like their parents.

"Put it there man, treat my bro right or I'll break your hand," Luis laughed a little offered a hand shake and the cadet shook it confused.

"Luis stop it," Veronica's eye twitched.

"Shush lesbian," he put his hand up in his sisters face.

"Oi puto, ma knows too," she slapped his hand.

"Mom knows?" His eyes widen.

"What about marco and Rachel?" Luis swallowed a little.

"Nah, I'm just trying to get mom to chill out so she doesn't break his heart, Lance is a bit more sensitive to mama," she spat annoyed.

"I wanted to talk to you about that Veronica, Lance has been pretty distressed over it and I just wanted to see if I could do anything to help, talk to your parents or even introduce myself, just to help," kinkade pursed his lips looking down.

"My parents accepted me for my sexuality, I just want lance to feel supported too," he looked at the siblings calmly.

Luis looked thrilled to hear how kind and helpful the young man was to help his little brother, Veronica was thankful for it too but she knew it wasn't that easy. She sighed softly shaking her head.

"Kinkade, your a good man but this isn't something you can help with," she told him gently.

"Veronica You knew lance had a boyfriend and hid it from me?" Luis asked confused.

"I just found out this week," Veronica mumbled.

"How has he been? I need to apologize for how I confronted him about it," she turned to kinkade again.

"Tired, he comes with me on my morning runs a lot but I've been trying to keep him busy to not think about it, him and Allura aren't talking either," kinkade explained looking at her.

"The reason he didn't want to come out yet is because he's as still figuring it all out, and he's afraid of some of it because it's new to him, it's overwhelming and been taking it slow for his comfort," he rubbed his neck awkwardly speaking of his boyfriends behalf.

Veronica was quiet and embarrassed for how she over reacted and probably terrified her little brother.

"Thank you for being there for him," she sighed.

"Of course," he blushed smiling thinking about his boyfriend.

"Hey once my other siblings know about you two, we should have a little family dinner, you can bring your girlfriend Ron, and Marco can bring his wife," Luis wrapped his arm around his big sister.

"If your down for that kinkade, seem like a chill guy," he winked at him.

"Id be happy to actually introduce myself to your family, Lance talked about you guys a lot," Ryan nodded offering a gently smile back.

"Oh Ryan!" Speak of the devil.

"Amor ive been looking for you, I was going to head down to target practice and-" lance stopped quickly seeing his older siblings and immediately turned red embarrassed.

"Hey hermanito," Luis sang hanging on Veronica innocently.

"Luis, Ron, hey," Lance gulped a little nervous as he walked over to them slower now.

"Ryan here was just telling me what a great sniper you turned into these past few years, You probably need to teach your boyfriend a few things," Luis snickered as he moved over to wrap his arms around lances shoulders. They were now the same height as it caught the older brother off guard for a moment.

"I-I he said boy- I mean you know?" Lance felt nauseous looking at him wide eyes.

"You think I wouldn't find out? Cute, I know everything," Luis patted the top of his head.

"Chill man, I've had a boyfriend or two and a few girlfriends, don't look like your going to pass out," Luis squished his cheeks teasing him.

"I don't care you date men, just be with who makes you happy man," he whispered in Spanish for only his brother to hear. That seemed to calm lance down as he didn't feel afraid anymore.

"Really?" Lance mumbled.

"For sure, don't shit yourself over it," Luis snorted and pushed him into Ryan.

"I'll catch you guys later, nice meeting you ry guy," he waved with one hand in his pocket.

"I see that your not the only hyper and flirty one in the family," Ryan smiled at lance as the youngest looked happier and relieved.

"He's a terrible influence, don't get close to him for long," lance laughed a little looking up at his boyfriend.

"Ha yea when you turned thirteen and Luis would steal You I thought i was in hell, douche bags and flirts, hated life," Veronica crossed her arms looking past lance when Luis turned the corner.

"Uh lance, could I join you guys at target practice? If that's okay with you?" She pursed her lips looking at her baby brother guilty.

"Yea, that's fine, can finally show you my bayard and what it can do," lance smiled back at her as he held Ryan's hand.

"It's a blaster?" She made a face as she followed the boys and Ryan shook his head.

"It's transforms to other weapons," Ryan said calmly.

"Wait it does what?" Veronica looked surprised.

"And it turns into a sword!" Lance squealed.

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