Not good or bad

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"Dude if only you could see how Allura took you down with her bayard it was so awesome!" Pidge cackled as they walked into the room but paused seeing lance and Ryan sleeping in the bunk against each other.

Lance had his phone on as he fell asleep on his back as Ryan had his head against his friends stomach with his arms crossed to his chest. The three Paladins looked at each other confused.

"Yo lance," Pidge knocked on the wall next to his head making him wake up immediately.

"Oh hey guys," he yawned stretching a little bit saw Ryan sleeping against him. They were just talking and suddenly it was time for bed. He grabbed his phone and went to play a game till Ryan woke up.

"Oh wow it's past dinner time," lance saw the time and was a little impressed.

"You've been sleeping all day?" Allura rolled her eyes taking her hair out of the bun and brushed it out.

"Ryan's been helping me with personal issues, and I didnt sleep last night so I guess we were still pretty tired," lance kept his hood up with the warmth but didn't bother waking up the pilot.

"Mhm," Allura looked at them unamused. It reminded her of the first night the mfe pilots stayed with them over night out in the desert, how lance was softer and more genuine around kinkade.

"What personal issues?" Hunk asked concerned remembering lance earlier.

"Family stuff, me stuff, just stuff," lance touched the side of his neck awkwardly.

"If you ever need it, I'm always here to listen," hunk told him softly.

"I tell you everything man," lance smiled past the lie.

"I'm just gonna wait a little for him to wake up, plus I need a video of Ryan sleep talking for science purposes," he grinned mischievously keeping his phone on him.

"When did you get a phone? It looks new," Pidge tilted their head to the side.

"Last night," lance shrugged.

"Huh nice, glad earth was able to get out of the cave man idea of phones, we're so behind on everything with technology," Pidge groaned flopping in bed.

"Dude no kidding, this shits so cool," lance smiled as he pressed an app and angry birds theme song echoed.

"Mm what level?" Ryan immediately woke up and turned to face him.

"I'm not far, fell asleep at level 20," Lance yawned again scooting up and the other man snuck his way up to watch.

Allura looked at them confused, she thought lance was not interested in male gender when they asked if he was in a relationship with Keith. Maybe humans are more complicated?

She gulped a little going to take a shower to clear her mind while the two were talking so softly no one could hear them except the other. Lance was gentle and quiet around kinkade, he's usually loud and annoying with someone he flirts with so maybe this wasn't romantic since it was opposite. She felt something burn in her chest at this version of lance. Like she did that one morning.

This wasn't a jealous thing. Was it? Who would she even ask about lance? Maybe his sister?

Why in stars name would she even be jealous? Of lance? Why?! He's not doing anything new or different really, he's still just as childish as he was in the morning. But why did she wish he wasn't like that and more like he was with kinkade?

Was she to harsh? Maybe she was to harsh on her Paladin in the morning, it probably embarrassed him, everyone saw. She even heard he was cooking earlier, she didn't even know lance could cook, what else could he do? Why did he never tell them or her about himself like he does with kinkade? Why couldn't that be the lance they knew not the other one.

"Allura I'm heading back to the kitchen," lance called making her jump surprised.

"I-okay?" She gulped hearing the pilot lance was with make a comment and the other door shut. She pursed her lips, she grabbed her earth hoodie and went after the boys to see what was going to happen.

"So you like cooking too? I might need help if your down," lance smiled over at Ryan as they walked together not even noticing Allura.

"I tried helping with what you were making earlier, at least to put it away so you could finish it later," Ryan blushed nervously but looked over his shoulder seeing the altean. He didn't look pleased seeing her.

"Sweet, I just really was craving some home foods so I was trying to make beef stew," lance still wasn't aware of Allura.

"I can make some butter rolls to go woth it if that's okay," the other boy offered putting his hand on lances shoulder.

"Dude that would be so good!" Lance gasped exited now with a little jump.

Allura stopped and let them walk away as Ryan caught her eyes once again but barely looked at her. He smiled kindly down at lance after the cold look he sent her.

She gulped a little backing up to her room again with her hands clasped against her chest. She thought kinkade was a nice person, why... why would he purposely ignore her?

Allura huffed a little turning around to go back in the room.

"What do you think of kinkade?" She asked seeing Pidge on her computer and hunk was playing with the space mice.

"Cool dude, he's really smart and great pilot, I don't know much else," Pidge shrugged.

"Really? He was rude," Allura crossed her arms.

"When?" Hunk looked up.

"When he left with lance just now," she glared.

"He was ignoring me when I tried joining them," Allura pouted a little sitting on her bed.

"Why do you care? Lance will get bored of him soon enough and be back to bothering us," Pidge snorted thinking she was joking but saw Allura looking mad.

"Dude lance can have other friends besides us, they seem to have a good time together," she rolled her eyes a little and hunk nodded.

"But what if they're dating?" Allura gasped a little with blush on her cheeks.

"Then they're dating? I'm confused, what's going on?" Hunk sat up making a face.

"Lance said he doesn't like men then is doing whatever he's doing with kinkade, as if they're in a romantic earth relationship?" She scrunched up her face confused.

"Lance doesn't like labels, not even being straight, he doesn't like that kind of stuff but he's a big boy, he can do what he wants with who he wants," hunk told her gently but that didn't help.

"Your not getting a crush on lance now are you? Now that your not his main attention?" He smirked a little and Allura blushed brightly.

"No!" She yelled.

"I could never have a crush on someone like lance," Allura laid down with a glare.

"Yo chill that's lance, he's not a bad person," Pidge shot back.

"Of course he's not a bad person," she frowned at that. She knew that.

This feeling wasn't good or bad, it was just confusing, any time she thought about lance. But which lance was the real lance?

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