Feel better

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Lance didn't feel much like talking for a while, he spent the night with ryan again as they stayed close, ryan did worry with not seeing Lance like this for so long, it usually lasted a few hours and he'd be able to get his boyfriend to smile but the smiles this time didn't last long.

Lance snuggled against him with his legs across his boyfriends lap as they watched lady and the tramp together in the lounge so they could have multiple blankets around them. Rizavi and Ina joined them half way through the movie as the girls brought popcorn. Lance held one of Ryan's hands in his own lap to play with his fingers with both of his hands. Ryan's free hand played with the back of lances hairline, touching his curls. It was quiet but it was comfortable.

"I'm guessing coming out to your team didn't go well?" Rizavi sat on the floor by their feet as Ina sat in her own chair to watch the movie.

"It was fine," lance didn't look at her.

"Why so down then sharp shooter?" She tilted her head to the side.

"It's not that they don't accept me for being bi... it's just they think it's for attention, or something like that," Lance gulped tracing around Ryan's palm.

"They just never take me serious," he whispered resting his head on the boys shoulder.

"Well we do, we know that this is real for you and a big deal, we're all happy you can be comfortable with our big love bug," she smiled brightly and that got lance to smile a little.

"I know, thank you," he mumbled.

"This is nice though, just being like this, I love spending time with you," Ryan whispered in his ear and gave his cheek a small peck.

"I'm glad it's not a bore," lance smiled in his touch.

"Never," he rubbed lances back.

"I'm right here darling," he kissed lances hair as lances heart skipped a beat this time.

Rizavis eyes lit up seeing the boys in love, it made her feel so happy for them, they were perfect for each other, especially for her teammate and close friend kinkade, always keeping to himself and now finally opening up and more with lance, he needed someone like him.

"So now your calling me darling?" Lance smiled blushing.

"Is that okay? You always call me Amor," Ryan whispered.

"Do you know what it means?" He asked softly.

"No but it can't be bad," Ryan smiled back.

"It's not," lance mumbled closing his eyes leaning against him again.

"Hey losers, I smelt popcorn," James yawned walking in and flipped on a couch near ina.

"You got more?" Rizavi asked hopeful.


"Then go away," she pouted.

Ryan noticed lance laughing a little at the two bickering, he was smiling again. Lance noticed ryan holding him tighter and smiled squeezing his hand back.

"I'm doing good, don't worry," lance whispered to him.

"I always worry, it hasn't exactly been a day of joy for you, and I care about you deeply," he whispered back.

"I care about you deeply too," both of them closed their eyes as Ryan rested his cheek on lances head.

"Think we could go to my room while they all watch the movie? I'm tired," lance mumbled.

"Yea, let's go, there's still a good half hour of the movie," Ryan smiled as they slowly got up from the couch and lance wrapped a blanket around his shoulders.

"Have fun love bugs," Rizavi whispered to them as they escaped. Lance flipped her off with a smile as Ryan was ahead of him.

"How are you feeling? Any better?" Ryan asked gently as he and lance joined hands.

"Yea, a lot better, thanks to you, and your team, they're really great," lance nodded keeping his eyes down.

"I'm sor-" "ah, nah, don't finish that sentence lance mcclain," Ryan stopped him immediately and lance laughed a little.

"I just don't want you to be the one that I always whine to or just complaining all the time, I just want to make that clear that I don't want to use You for that," lance sighed nodding.

"Lance, listen, boyfriend or not I'm always going to be here for you, I'm always going to be here for you to rant, cry, complain, whine, laugh or just be completely silent with, I need You lance, I want you, all of you, alright darling?" Ryan held the sides of his face with both of his hands.

"I think I'm in love with you," lance whispered wide eyes.

"Me too," he smiled gently.

"Te amo, it means I love You, mi Amor means my love," lance confessed as he places his hands on Ryan's waist.

"I had a feeling," Ryan chuckled before placing a sweet kiss on lances lips, nose, and forehead.

Lance moaned pulling him down to kiss his lips again as they backed against a wall, deepening the kiss as lance slid his hands higher around the back of Ryan's neck. They pulled away and saw the door was close, lance smiled as his face was covered in red and pulled his boyfriend with to the mfe cabin.

Ryan immediately pulled off his own shirt as the door closed and lance pulled him close by the belt to slam his lips against his again.

"Feeling better?" Ryan smiled.

"Shut up," lance whispered kissing his neck, his hands ran over his back to his pecks. Lance panted pulling away but stopped to look at Ryan's body. He didn't have any scars on his upper body, he was smooth over his dark skin, but he did have marks on his chest and his arms.

Lance smiled gently kissing the stretch marks, he wondered if he had any more. Ryan watched carefully as he let himself be vulnerable, he's never been this open with anyone. He felt like he was going to explode. He only wanted lance to touch him and feel him like this.

"I had to build muscle fast, I had to be strong," Ryan huffed a little and lance pushed him on the bed and straddled him.

"You are so strong, fuck I've watched you and I know youre so strong, just everything about you looks strong, I love it," lance kissed his neck again.

Ryan started to pull lances shirt up but he was stopped for a moment. They stared at each other for a moment, lance gulped but pulled his own shirt off.

"Teach me to be strong like You, I'm sick of getting more scars," lance whispered as Ryan stared at his chest with old wounds that have been healed, little marks scattered across his chest and arms from battles. Ryan touched gently every scar till he made it to his back and traced softly over the bigger one on his shoulders.

"You're so beautiful," Ryan kissed his chest, right above where his heart was. Lance tilted his head back with a soft sigh.

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