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Lance sat on the cliff as it was his turn tonight, his foot bouncing in the air as he waited for kinkade to come. It was all he could look forward to now with a small grin on his face.

He could see the lights in the distance and smiled brightly as he woke up cosmo and the wolf lifted his head and recognized the vehicle and perked his ears up happily.

"Come on buddy," lance touched the wolf and teleported down on the ground as he walked forward with cosmo by his side. The vehicle slowed down to a stop, and turned off.
Kinkade got out and waved smiling a little as lance jogged over excitedly.

"Hey," kinkade jumped down.

"What's new in the civilized world?" Lance giggled softly.

"Training and boring stuff, I don't get to go into the real civilized world, just a soldier one," kinkade smirked grabbing his bag and closed the door behind him. They walked to the back of the truck and kinkade opened the trunk for them to sit in instead of on top of the truck. It was colder than usual tonight.

"How's the cave?" Kinkade asked as he handed lance a water.

"Hunk, Allura, Pidge and I got a new game, sneaking in each other's tent without getting caught by shiro," lance snorted as he opened the water.

"Pidge and I are winning, Allura got caught by Keith, she accidentally went in the wrong tent," he smirked deviously and took a few sips from the bottle.

"How's Ron?" Lance smiled brightly at kinkade.

"Veronica is good, she did tell me some interesting things about you," kinkade smirked back as lance looked confused but then horrified.

"What happened in New Jersey was not my fault! I didn't know it was weed!" Lance cried out covering his face embarrassed.

"What? No," kinkade was taken back in surprise.

"Summer camp?" Lance peaked.


"Christmas?" He gasped.


"First year of middle school?!" Lance cried out.

"No! Lance it wasn't something bad," kinkade laughed awkwardly and reached in his bag. "It just gave me an idea for a gift for you,"

"If it's a Polly pocket I'm never coming back," Lance glared with a huff but kinkade pulled out a baggy with a few different pill bottles.

"She told me about your medication, I assumed you don't have anymore," he handed lance the bag and lance checked the labels with wide eyes.

"Xanax, Prozac?" Lance pursed his lips a little as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I-I can't take these," lance shook his head handing them back. "They make me drowsy and I can't take anything away from how I am now just because war and I don't know how I'll react now,"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you," Kinkade gasped putting them away embarrassed he even brought it up.

"No no it's really sweet, you were only trying to help," lance touched his hand gently to ease his concerns.

"When the war is done I wanted to go back to my doctor to see what meds I should go back on anyways, I just rather make sure it's right, it's not your fault Ryan," he smiled softly as kinkades wide eyes were still full of guilt.

"I'll keep the Xanax, I still get panic attacks often enough," lance grabbed one of the bottles but looked at it still a little hesitant.

"You okay?" Kinkade asked gently.

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