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"Man I'm so tired," lance walked with Ryan down the halls.

"I'll trade you teams, griffins been busting my neck for the training lately, said I'm distracted," Ryan smiled down at him. They haven't even seen each other since the morning.

"Deal, Allura still is in the head space of when we were in space and I'm a lost puppy without being in love with her," lance rolled his eyes as he walked with his hands behind his back.

"Aw and what changed since?" He teased as lance pushed him away laughing a little.

"Found some other dumb ass to act like a lost puppy around," lance flipped him off as Ryan blew him a dramatic kiss.

"Nah but I always jokingly hit on Allura cause i thought it was funny but I started to notice no one would take me seriously so I stopped, it's once in a while now but it's more... I don't know, it's not even fun to talk to her cause she looks down on me," he smiled sadly a little. He wished they had a friendship, he really did, but if this is how she really was then what was the point in trying.

"So now I can just start hitting on you," Lance perked up again.

"Not as a joke?" Ryan hummed.

"Some of them," lance giggled holding his hand gently.

"I'm going to cook us dinner tonight, I wanna hear about your day," Ryan squeezed his hand. Lance looked at him in a way no one else has, like he was the only one in the world, he would give anything for lance to look at him like that. Like he made the world stop spinning.

"You would do that?" Lance whispered in amazement.

"Why wouldn't i? Just because we're secret boyfriends doesn't mean I can't treat you like a real one, plus I think it would be nice for our first date to be homemade food by us," Ryan kissed his forehead gently and lance covered his face nodding.

"Your the best," lance mumbled in his hands as Ryan smiled.

"Your not going to cry are you?" He raised a brow.

"No! I'm not crying, it's just stuffy," lance sniffled turning away.

"I'm going to shower then will meet you at the kitchen, cool?" Ryan asked.

"Aw I can't come with the shower?" Lance turned back mischievously.

"Aha uh no, my team is in the same room," he backed away slowly as lance groaned.

"Your no fun," the Paladin stuck his tongue out.

"See you in an hour?" Ryan smiled back.

"Make it a date," lance snorted going to his cabin to shower off the training struggles.

Lance had a goofy grin on his face thinking about his boyfriend, he couldn't help it, Ryan made him smile. Just everything he did, he has such a serious face but when it was just them he was open and was so kind. He's a gentle soul that made lance feel... like he deserved to be happy with him, they were comfortable with each other.

"Man I'm so gay for him," lance laughed to himself in the empty cabin and headed to the bathroom.


"You cleaned up well," lance teased finding Ryan again in the kitchen. He was already starting to cook.

"And you don't stink," Ryan chuckled keeping his eyes down on the knife that was cutting tomatoes.

"I never stink," lance hummed kissing his cheek  as he passed him. Ryan turned his head to kiss his lips instead with a smile.

"You got me, your right," Ryan whispered against his lips as lance kissed him once more and let him continue.

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