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"Get down," Allura lifted griffin off his feet as they ducked a shot from lance and sent her whip at him but Leifsdottir shot Alluras weapon before it hit lance.

They spent the day training with each other as they spared two on two with one on each team against the other to build up trust. Shiro tried to pair them up opposite as he could but also switched it up so they got use to different partners.

"Nice one ida!" Lance beamed brightly at her.

"It's Leifsdottir," she corrected.

"To long," he waved her off. She gave him a look but sighed allowing it.

She saw a shot coming her way but lance immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him as he used his shield to protect them from griffin who was on one knee and gun up.

"Uhh nice one?" Ida looked at him. They all had their weapons on stun so no one was seriously hurt.

"Allura isn't good with up close hand to hand combat, getting her from behind will surprise her enough and catch her off guard," lance told her quietly and ida looked at the princess and nodded.

She ran over as Allura snapped her whip at the blond girl but she ducked and slid behind Allura, the altean gasped as ida hooked her foot around Alluras ankle to throw her off and pinned her to the ground with Alluras arms behind her back.

"Yea ida!" Lance cheered punching the air with a small jump.

But cried out seeing James coming at him. Lance gasped ducking his fist but kicked at his armored chest to get some distance, loading his rifle up and shot James leg with no hesitation.

"Shit!" James cried out as his leg just went numb like it fell asleep.

"Lance and ida one! James and lura two!" He laughed excitedly and almost impressed with himself.

"Stop bragging and go sit," Keith looked at him flatly as lance went to go help James to his feet.

"Dude that sneak attack scared the shit out of me, good job," lance went to help him up but griffin slapped his hand away.

"I don't need your help," James glared at him as lance looked surprised.

"You sure? I know it's temporary and probs really uncomfortable but I can help you to the side-" "will you fuck off? Jesus," griffin snapped at him and ida came over to help him instead.

Lance pursed his lips putting his bayard away and went to go sit with the others as four more people went to train instead. He sat next to kinkade anyways.

"It's not personal, griffin doesn't like to loose," kinkade told him gently.

"Yea hes never liked me so its whatever," lance shrugged crossing his legs and put his hands in his lap.

"You have good instinct, that attack seemed fast," he tried to cheer the other teen up a little.

"Did it look cool?" Lance asked quietly.

"Yea, really cool," kinkade smiled brightly and lance perked up proudly.

"Awesome," he grinned.

"Come on lets go spare, I wanna see if you can beat me yet," kinkade touched his shoulder and got up as lance blushed at the warm touch left on him.

"Okay lets go around the trucks," lance jumped to his feet with a smile and they walked away before anyone noticed.

"No weapons," lance put his bayard on the ground and kinkade nodded putting his gun next to it.

"Alright whenever your ready," lance put his hands up.

"How charming Mcclain," kinkade smirked at him. Without a warning he tripped lance but the Cuban rolled back to his feet and threw his fist at kinkade but the African teen caught his fist easily.

"You asshole," lance grunted and kneed him in the side to get his hand back. Kinkade seemed barely phased by it and round house kicked lance but was to close to him, sending the boy flying and he grunted falling on the ground.

"Lance!" He gasped not realizing how hard his kicked him.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" Ryan ran to his side and lance spit blood in the dirt as he sat up.

"Oh my god I forgot your strong, do you eat stones or something?" Lance rubbed his cheek a little where there a bruise was going to be as well as a split lip That had some blood trickling down his chin. Must've cut inside his mouth.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to actually hurt you," kinkade knelt down to him as he felt guilty.

"Do you have a concussion? How are you feeling? Dizzy?" He asked concerned but lance waved him off.

"I'm fine man, seriously, I didn't want you holding back on me," lance smirked at him as he grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"But seriously those boots are full of stones," he said flatly and kinkade still seemed worried.

"We should probably go get you cleaned up then," kinkade gulped a little as he held Lances face to see how bad the kick was, moving his face to the side.

"Do we have too? Everyone's gonna know I lost," lance whined a little as his ear was ringing a little.

"I'll tell them you won, don't worry," kinkade smiled gently at him as lance pouted with Ryan's hand still against his jaw.

"I don't want a pity win man," lance rolled his eyes.

"Either pity win or you lost, you pick," kinkade chuckled feeling more at ease seeing lance was fine otherwise.

"Fine... I'll take the lose," lance sighed still pouting a little and kinkade smiled a little.

His thumb brushed under Lances injured lip to wipe away the blood on his chin as lance paused a little feeling his heart racing. Ryan looked at him with slight guilt still there but lance smiled up at him for reassurance, leaning into his touch, gently brushing his own fingers over kinkades hand that held him.

"I'm fine, I promise," he chuckled.

Ryan bit his own lip softly and nodded believing him more, feeling hands hand lightly hold onto his that touched Lances face, his skin was smooth and soft unlike his own calloused hands. Ryan kept glancing down at Lances busted lip and swallowed a lump in his throat a little.

"What are you doing?" Romelle peaked over.

They both jumped away from each other with bright red faces as lance used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth and kinkade was standing again flustered, keeping his back towards lance.

"Nothing- Just training," kinkade told her quickly as he coughed awkwardly in his hand.

"Okay?" Romelle raised a brow and the two boys grabbed their weapons before going back to the others. Lance went to sit with Pidge as kinkade sat next to ida on opposite sides, both still blushing, it stung their cheeks, not looking at the other.

"Oh lance, I didn't notice you were gone, you should've seen keith against Rizavi it was so cool," Pidge smiled seeing him sit with her.

"Where'd you go anyways? I knew it was to quiet," she looked back at the training and lance glanced over at Ryan with wide eyes.

But his head was turned away from him like he was busy talking to ida. Lance bit his lip anxiously but flinched a little remembering it hurt. He gulped a little not knowing what just happened. What was that? It scared him a little. The fact he liked the way kinkades hand felt on his skin, it made him feel comfortable and almost like he was safe.

"Alright that's a wrap for today, cadets let's head back to the base," Sam called snapping lance out of his thoughts.

He at least wanted to say good bye to kinkade.

Lance saw him in the back getting into the truck, his olive green eyes met Lances ocean eyes for a moment. Lance used the moment to smile and wave at him.

Ryan smiled a little and gave a small wave back before getting into the truck to go home.

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