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"Alright would you rather swallow one of the rocks in here or lick the bottom of cosmos's paw?" Lance laid his head in pidges lap boredly as they where suppose to be waiting for Samuel holt to be coming, Hunk and Keith where watching out for him as it was the middle of the day. Maybe if he takes the night shift tonight...

"Swallow a rock," pidge said flatly. She sent a look to the space wolf who peeled up at the sound of his name before.

"I don't know where that dogs been," she said quietly and was slightly surprised when cosmos seemed to glare back before resting his head down again.

"Would you rather shave your head or...  pullout a tooth?" Pidge now asked and lance whined.

"Shave it, my gorgeous hair will grow back but my perfect tooth wouldn't," Lance said dramatically throwing his hands up.

"Fair point," pidge agreed.

"Look who we found!" Hunk voice echoed and pidge spun around seeing keith, hunk and her father with cosmos.

"Dad!" She gasped getting up and lance smacked his head on the ground.

"Hey kiddo," Sam embraced his daughter tightly as he held her tightly and pidge buried her face in his chest.

It may have been months for the paladins but it's been years since Sam has seen his daughter.

"I'm so glad your okay," he whispered softly and pidge held back tears of joy.

"Nice to see you all well and alive," Sam smiled at them all as he parted from his daughter but she stood with him.

"So what's the updates? Can we go to the garrisons yet?" Shiro asked walking up and the two men shared a hand shake.

"I'm afraid not, the garrisons is at a delicate process for building a weapon that the galra have no suspicions over, if we bring in the paladins of voltron, their biggest threat, it could cause an attack on us either loosing all we've gain or a major delay," Sam sighed disappointedly, shaking his head.

"What if you let us come as refugees, not paladins of voltron or alteans, just simple refugees you found?" Lance asked curiously as he stretched standing up, clasping his hands to stretch high to the sky.

"That could work, but how would we hide the altean marks on coran, Allura and romelle? I mean for their ears they could wear hats," pidge shrugged motioning to them.

"Alteans are rare, we shouldn't have to hide," romelle defended.

"This isn't about pride romelle," Keith crossed his arms.

"A good thick lair of foundation would work," lance looked at him.

"But Allura would have to take off her crown," he pursed his lips and the princesses head snapped up.

"I beg your pardon?" Allura snapped.

"I will not take off my crown when I'm already loosing my dignity of my markings! Of my heritage!" She raised her voice at lance as she pointed at him glaring.

"Allura calm down this isn't about loosing dignity, it's either stay in the cave or look more human to be under a roof and get real food and oh maybe a shower?" Lance defended himself crossing his arms.

"I'm not going then," Allura huffed.

"Don't be childish Allura," Keith's jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry but it wouldn't work anyways, to many people would recognize you as paladins, your families, old students," Sam pursed his lips and everyone looked at him.

"Our families are there?" Hunk smiled. Lance gulped a smile a little letting out a deep breath. Kinkade was right.

Sam stayed silent looking away. It gave Hunk enough hope but lance didn't seem convinced... no... not hunk, hunks family has to be there, he deserved that at the least.

"Alright so what's the game plan now then?" Lance changed the topic with a forced smile.

"Same as you've been doing, I'll check in with you guys each week, I'm sorry I can't do more," Sam gulped shaking his head.

"We'll wait, your doing the best you can, patience yields focus," shiro nodded as keith rolled his eyes.

"But I happen to bring food and water and actual camping gear for you!" Sam perked up as they had boxes behind them that cosmos teleported with on a small machine that carried it.

"Please be tents," Keith groaned.

There was eight tents for each of them with sleeping bags and pillows, a months worth of food, some technology for pidge to communicate with her father, large plastic containers of water and more for them.

"I can't stay long, but if anything comes up I'll be sure to let Katie know immediately, otherwise I'll see you in a week," Sam smiled at them as some started making their tents. Even though they lived inside a cave, they all desired privacy again.

"Bye dad, See got soon," pidge hugged him again and lance smiled sadly, and a little envy, but guilt dropped in his stomach thinking of Hunk again. He's had the satisfaction really knowing his family was okay... but did hunk?

Lance knew the parents and the young one that adored hunk, he prayed they'd be okay.

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