Night drives

561 30 16

Kinkade tossed and turned in his bed as his team was sleeping/snoring. He felt restless, he wasn't tired but he also didn't want to sleep, he wanted to go somewhere.

He growled sitting up but smacked his forehead on the ceiling as he got up to fast. Shit.

It's been so long since he's been restless, usually he sleeps fine due to training, missions, keeping himself busy every waking moment. But he just couldn't sleep. It bothered him.

Kinkade reached for his camera with a small sigh as he always enjoyed looking back at the pictures he had. The memories he could keep with him right there. He was glad he went with joining the garrisons.

But when he landed on a specific picture it was reminded him of the first few nights when he was a new cadet, missing his family.

It was a picture he took of his two little sisters, one was now seven and the other was eleven, they where playing in the backyard as their mother was reading in the grass as his father was snoring in a lawn chair after a long night at work. His mother was a manager at the towns library as his dad was a cop. Kinkade felt like his father sometimes, but listened to his mother's voice in his head. To look at the bigger picture to protect your family.

Some part of the reason he got into photography but also a main reason he went into the garrisons, it was a bigger picture to protect his family, and now he was the big picture to protect his home.

He didn't know if they where alive... they're not part of the refugees here.

Kinkade sighed going through the pictures as he remembered the night of the meteor shower and landed on the first picture of lance. It's been a week since he met the paladin. He hasn't spoken a word of anything relating to him, nothing to Veronica, the paladins being on earth, allies, the defense system they could have. Lance seemed like he was already in trouble for even coming to help him.

Did lance ever speak of him to his own team?

"Will I see you again?"

"I hope so, you seem pretty cool,"

He pursed his lips debating about his options. Maybe he could see lance again? It was nice talking to someone you didn't know or knew you, and lance seemed to share a passion for his family kinkade understood, but never mentions to anyone.

He got up, out of the bed, he kept on his white tee shirt but grabbed his kaki cadet pants and threw on the boots with it in case of an attack, so he grabbed a communicator as well, including his gun.

He didn't sneak out often, but he wanted to still be prepared.


Kinkade drove to the middle of the desert as he recognized a cliff a mile away. He hoped that was the one.

He flashed his head lights three times and waited getting out of the vehicle.

Kinkade waited for a few minutes and did it again hoping he didn't look to stupid.

But he felt ridiculous and disappointed seeing it didn't work.

"What are you doing?" A voice said next to him.

Kinkade let out an embarrassed screaming cry as he jumped away and fell in the dust. A playful laugh echoed as kinkade saw it was lance smiling at him.

"Hey stranger," lance teased.

He offered kinkade a hand up as the darker man grasped the tan teens hand and was pulled up. Cosmos came over sniffing him curiously but didn't seem threatened by him.

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