Grow up

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"Alright team voltron, I got some team exercises we can try out, with being back to earth I know things have been weird but we need to be just as together as we were on the castle," Shiro rounded up all his Paladins as well as romelle and Coran.

"I thought we were done with team exercises a long time ago," Pidge groaned.

Lance sat with Keith as they looked at each other unamused and sent the other a glare.

"I'm not doing that electric one again with Keith," lance raised his hand.

"That was on the castle," Shiro sighed.

"Can I partner up with hunk?" Keith raised his hand now.

"You don't get partners," the captain said flatly.

"Then what are we doing?" Lance asked raising a brow.

"Trust falls?" Hunk offered.

"What's that?" Allura asked.

"You fall backwards and someone catches you," he explained with a smile.

"Oh that sounds fun!" She gasped nodding.

"I'd also like to do trust falls!" Romelle smiled.

Shiros brow twitched a little but he knew he lost already to the others. Coran stepped over to Shiro to let the Paladins have an even number and also didn't feel like getting dropped.

"Alright partner up," he sighed.

Keith ran over to hunk as Pidge tried to shove him away but the black Paladin already kicked her back into lance.

"Your feral," Pidge hissed.

"I already called dibs," Keith narrowed his eyes.

Pidge raced to Romelle as she flipped Keith and hunk off.

"Joy! I got the small Paladin!" Romelle squealed hugging Pidge.

Lance inhaled deeply and let out a soft sigh, looking over at Allura with a smile.

"Hey partner," he waved. She didn't look thrilled. He should've stayed with Keith.

"I know your not happy with it but we're still a team," he crossed his arms, dropping the nice act with her. He didn't have anything to prove, he was just wanted to leave sooner to go by the mfe's again.

"What?" That caught Allura off guard. He didn't really look at her anymore or flirt.

"Do you wanna go first? Since it's your first time with trust falls it might be fun," lance tilted his head to the side calmly.

"I-uh sure?" She gulped.

"Alright so all you do is cross your arms over your chest," lance smiled as he demonstrated. "Then lean back like your falling and I'll catch you,"

"You're going to drop me?" She made a face.

"Nope, if you keep still and arms tight it'll be really easy to catch," lance snorted.

"Alright..." Allura didn't really trust his strength to catch her weight.

Allura crossed her arms over her chest as lance stood a few feet away but still close enough, she leaned back but her feet caught herself instead.

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous, are you sure you can catch me?" Allura whined a little as lance laughed it off nodding.

"If I don't catch you, you can drop me," lance chuckled. She gave him a look unsure but nodded slowly. She crossed her arms again and closed her eyes to trust herself to fall back.

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