Baby {Midnight}

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*Midnight's POV*

I really want a baby but I don't know if y/n would want one. I know how they are, they think they wouldn't be a good parent because of their past.

"Nemuri!!" You yelled running upstairs and walked in midnight's room and sat on her lap.

"Yes baby?"

"I've been thinking, I want to adopt a child nemuri"

"Wait really?!?!"

"Yes, if you don't mind of course"

"Of course I want a child!!" I peppered you in kisses all over your face and you giggled.

"Yeah, can we adopt a kid?"

"Yeah, but why do you want to adopt a kid?"

"Well think of all the kids without parents nemuri, I think they deserve a home, what do you think?"

"I think they do"

"Thank you nemuri"

"Of course baby, now let's go get ready"


"Yeah, go get your shoes on so we can go"


*3rd POV*

30 minutes later you guys arrived at the orphanage.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk said.

"Hello we're here to adopt a child, we were wondering if there were any baby's?" Nemuri asked.

"Oh sorry we don't have any baby's but we do have a 4 years old girl"

"That's ok, can we go see her?" You asked.

"Yes you can, just follow me" she walked you to the little girl.

When you guys saw the little girl she was beautiful. She had white snow hair and Crystal blue's eyes and when she saw us you saw a sparkle in her eyes.

"Are you going to be my new parents?"

"Yes, what's your name?" You asked.


"That's a beautiful name" midnight said.

(281 words)

Requested by LeraMano

I don't really know if that is a yandere or not but there you go.

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