Moments In Time

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"Ain't she lovely?" Dark eyes, eager and proud, swept over the frigate in the harbour, a grin tugging at the younger man's lips as he turned to look at Cormac, who grinned back, finding Edward's joy infectious.

"Aye, that she is. Can't understand what your ma wants with her though."

"She's not mum's. She was dad's. Now she's mine. My Misty Lady. Come on, I'll give ye a tour."

The ship was indeed lovely, a respectable size with two dozen cannons, everything aboard in pristine order. Her figurehead was an elegant lady, rising proudly at the bow, her hands outstretched to embrace the sea.
White sails were tightly furled along the yards of the two masts, the lines all tidy and well-maintained.

"Have you got a crew?" Cormac asked once he'd seen the ship in its entirety and they were now standing on the quarterdeck looking out over the main deck.

"Some of the crew that sailed under the previous captain are stayin'. Need some more though, skilled people rather than general crew." Edward ran his fingers through his hair, then fished a bandana from his pocket.

Cormac nodded slightly. "I'd be glad to join, if you'll have me."

Another grin spread over Edward's lips as he nodded. "Welcome to the crew Cormac."

Not-Quite Twenty

"What if she says no? If she decides she'd be better off with someone else, with a safe lifestyle and more to offer? What if she wants diamonds? If where I've chosen isn't good enough-"

"Christ, shut up!" Shaking his head lightly, Cormac caught Edward by the shoulders, halting his pacing around the room and placing him firmly into a chair. "Sit down and shut up for a minute. Here, have a drink too."

He thrust a bottle of whiskey unceremoniously at the other man before taking a seat. "First off, she won't say no. The woman loves you, loves you enough to leave a life of absolute luxury in London to be here, in a tiny little cottage or on a ship, with you. She adores you, I know what it looks like. And she's obviously not the least bit concerned with wealth or bloody diamonds. She's going to say yes. All you have to do is grow a pair of balls and ask the question."

Edward took a long drink of whiskey. "You're really annoyingly level-headed, ye know that?"

"Aye, I do. I'm also right, an' you know it. Any more stupid questions?" Cormac raised an eyebrow, a note of teasing in his voice.

"One. Assuming she doesn't mind doing it on the ship, who the hell does the actual...pósadh?"

Cormac rubbed his beard in thought. "Traditionally, captains preform marriages on ships, but you can't conduct your own wedding ceremony. I would assume it would fall into the duties of your First Mate, in this circumstance. I've never seen it done, but that would be my guess."

Shrugging, Edward nodded. "Sounds reasonable. Aye, that'll do." He rose and disappeared, bottle in hand.


"It was perfect, the whole thing, thank you. A lovely ceremony."

"Oh, quit your flattery. You've got a very lovely new bride waitin' for another dance." Cormac chuckled, then pulled Edward into a quick hug. "Happy birthday."

He could feel Edward's grin against his collarbone. "Thank you. Excuse me." He slipped across the deck, back to where Roxanne was waiting for him.

Resting against the railings, Cormac took a drink with a soft sigh. Among the celebrating crew, a petite blonde woman caught his attention and he smiled, eyes softening, before going over to whisk her away into a dance as Soracha's lively fiddling suddenly filled the air.

"Our turn next," Grainne said as he spun her deftly before pulling her close again. 

"Mm." He hummed his agreement, watching Edward and his new bride, glad his friend had found happiness. "Our turn next."


"A second ship?" Cormac asked, wanting to ensure he'd heard correctly.

"Aye, a second ship to go with my new title. Captain Boucher left everythin' to me. He had no children, no family. I got everything, including his ship."
Edward fiddled with the ring on his finger, clearly not used to it yet.

"What kind of ship? Is she here? Can I see?"

"She's here. C'mon."

Docked in a corner of the harbour, clearly having not moved for some time, was a large galleon, barnacles crusting the hull above the waterline. "Have you looked at her? Is she even seaworthy? God knows how long she's here." Cormac muttered.

"Shut up and step aboard. Look around. Open a door or two." Edward remained on the dock, arms folded as he waited.

Halfway across the deck, he stopped dead and looked around. "I'm coming off now." His voice was slightly unsteady as his eyes darted around the ship warily, hand subconsciously dropping to the empty hip where his sword usually sat.

A glance at Edward revealed his friends expression was a mixture of relief and wariness, almost fear. "So I wasn't imagining it then. Ship's got a aura. A bad one."

Cormac didn't reply until he was standing on the dock beside him. "A bad one indeed. I've never felt anythin' like that before. Good luck finding a crew for her."

"Does that mean you won't sail on her?"

"Course I will. We've established that you do stupid things when at sea without me."

Edward huffed and glanced away, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Welcome aboard the Troubadour, ye posh cunt."

Cormac smiled wryly. "Can't truthfully say I'm overly glad to be here, but thank you nonetheless. "


"How have I ended up spendin' the better part of three decades keeping an eye on your annoying, stubborn arse?"
Hands on his hips, Cormac rolled his eyes as he waited for his captain's reply.

"Because I'm a good captain, and you like being employed." Edward said playfully in response.

Scoffing, he deposited a bottle of whiskey on the nightstand and turned on his heel. "I'll let your old lady know you're not dying and that she can see you, shall I?"

"Mm, please do. Let Soracha know I'll need more painkillers if you see her too. You're in charge."

A smirk danced on Cormac's lips as he glanced over his shoulder. "My favourite three words."

"Posh cunt." Edward's chuckle followed him as he closed the door.

Grinning, he passed his captain's messages on and took the helm, enjoying the quiet night.


Time had been kind to them, Cormac thought as his eyes ran over his friends frame, greying dreadlocks glittering with trinkets.

"What're you lookin' at?" There was a smile in Edward's question as his dark eyes twinkled at Cormac from underneath the brim of his hat.

"You," he answered simply.

"Why?" Hands in his pockets, Edward came over to stand next to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Appreciating the fact you're still a handsome fecker at sixty, and wondering how I got lucky enough to stay friends with you for all this time."
Cormac wrapped an arm over his shoulders, feeling Edward's brief laughter before he looked at him.

"I love you, and I'm glad you've put up with me for this long. Hang around for another while, aye?"

"I'll do my best, Eddie. I'll do my best."

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