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Roxanne Sparrow stood at the head of the long table in the meeting hall.

She was on the verge of tears but bit her lip and kept her head high, refusing to show weakness.

"I refuse to obey a woman."

"Bed her, yes. Recognise her as my King? Not for all the gold in India."

"A female King? That's bullshit! Women should never be aboard a ship, never mind captaining them. And now she's a Lord and has been voted King? I'll not answer to her!"

"Dressed in mens clothes and courting the Code Keeper, she comes waltzing in here thinking one word from her beloved will rise her to a position not occupied for years! Shoot her now I say!"

At that moment, there was a shot and Roxanne flinched.

A man fell dead and a figure stepped out of the shadows, smoke furling from the barrel of a pistol.

A bicorns wide brim shaded the newcomer's face, but the glint of dark eyes revealed anger.

"If there's any shooting to be done here, I'll be the one doing it."

Male and Irish-accented, the voice could only belong to one person.

The hat was tipped back to expose the face of the Keeper of the Code, Captain Edward Teague.

He walked across to Roxanne's side, wrapping an arm around her protectively.

She leaned against him, still trying to retain her composure.

He ran a gentle hand up her back, turning blazing eyes on a tall man standing next to him.

"As Keeper of the Codex, it is perfectly within my rights to appoint a King privately before the Court meets. If the Court has an issue, you vote and elect a new King."

"Find me it in writing," the man challenged.

Teague gestured behind him and two men appeared carrying an enormous book between them.

Once they'd set it down, Teague unlocked the padlock holding it closed and turned the pages for a few minutes until he found what he was looking for.

"Article 102, Section 13.
The Keeper of the Codex may appoint a Pirate King prior to a meeting occurring. If there is disagreement, a vote takes place. If the results of the vote amount to nothing, the Keeper chooses the King."

He closed the Codex with satisfied finality and smiled smugly at the Pirate Lords.

"I appointed Roxanne. Now vote and we'll see how the results go."

"I vote for Pablo, the corsair!" said a sallow-faced man with a pointed black beard.

"Mistress Elen!" called a pretty Chinese woman.

Soon, nine votes were cast.
Every Lord voted for themselves.

"The votes amounted to nothing. Therefore, I, by my authority as Code Keeper, hereby appoint Captain Roxanne Sparrow King of the Brethren Court!" Teague called authoritatively.

"Is she Captain of a ship?" asked Pablo.

"The Misty Lady" said Teague.

"Has she killed a man?"

"Several over the past year or so," replied Teague.

He closed the Codex.

"Any more objections?"

A murmur ran along the assembled Lords, but nobody spoke up.

Satisfied, Teague guided Roxanne through the oaths, all sworn on the Codex.

He was hesitant, as it was his first time performing them too but soon he showed her where to sign her name and the procedure was complete.

"Now, everyone kindly fuck off," he said to the Pirate Lords.

Slowly, the hall emptied and Roxanne could finally release the tension built up inside her.

The time spent suppressing her tears made them flow all the faster when her self-control and confidence evaporated.

Teague sat down and pulled her onto his knee, wrapping his arms tightly around her as she sobbed on his shoulder.

He ran his fingers through her hair, untying her faded wine-coloured bandana and kissing her head.

"I...I'll never...be...accepted, will I?" Roxanne said between sobs.

"Of course you will. I'll shoot the fuckers until they respect you for the woman you are. You'll be a great King Roxy."

Teague gently moved her head off his shoulder and kissed her forehead as he wiped away her tears.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"Don't be. We both know why you're so emotional," he murmured.

A mischievous sparkle lit up Roxanne's eyes.

"We do. Now, as your King, I order you to take me to our cabin, lock the door and let me do whatever I desire to you. I've got handcuffs."

"Let's not keep my King waiting then," said Teague with a smile as he lifted her, bridal-style, and carried her back to The Misty Lady.

There, they locked the door and Roxanne produced a pair of shackles, which were put to good use, as was Teague's sword.

Some time later, as they lay exhausted together, Teague whispered
"You were always a King Roxy. The King of my heart. I don't need the Court or Codex to tell me that."

Roxanne kissed him softly on the lips.
"And you're a Keeper. The Keeper of my heart. Always and forever."

Teague smiled drowsily as she laid her head on his sweaty bare chest.

"Sleep my Sparrow." he whispered, kissing her hair and laying his hand on her stomach.

Her arm wrapped loosely around him as her eyes closed, breathing deepening as she drifted off to sleep.

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