The Pearl

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She had been changed, when she'd risen from the sea. Her hull was scorched black, the canvas of her sails equally as dark. Aside from the colour change, Davy Jones had restored the ship intact, which Jack was glad of. He had only needed to make voluntary changes, not structural repairs.

The destruction from the fire had been mended already through whatever supernatural force that had brought her up from the ocean floor.

The first thing he had done was refit her, adding an extra dozen cannons to her lower decks.

She would need to be heavily gunned for her new line of work. The supernatural speed she now possessed would certainly be an advantage, and the colour added an element of surprise if she attacked by dark.

The front of her was adorned with a figurehead now, a bare-breasted maiden cradling a bird in her outstretched hands.

Jack ran his gaze over the ship's stern, lingering on the newest addition that he had just finished putting there.

In careful, precise lettering, with only a little bit of flourish, three words were printed.

The Black Pearl.

A new name. A new start.

Jack stood for a long while, lost in thought of what the ship had been previously. A cargo hauler, beautiful and swift, though flying the flag of the company she had belonged to.

The company that he had spent five years in the service of. Which he was now free from, and the new flag fluttering from the ship's mainmast said exactly that.

"She looks good."

Jack turned sharply at the voice, his focus abruptly shifting from the vessel to the figure now standing slightly behind him.

"Christ, how long have you been standing there?" He let out a breath, trying to settle his rapid heartbeat as his chest twinged, slightly painfully, after his sudden movement.

His father's lips quirked into a slight grin. "Long enough. She is very impressive."

"Thinkin' of swapping? I like yours." Jack's eyes were playful as they flitted to the bigger galleon docked a bit further away, lingering briefly on the vessel's closed gun ports and the emerald green flag that was waving gently in the breeze from halfway up the mast.

Teague chuckled and shook his head. "Unfortunately, I like mine too, and I ain't swapping. You'll get captaincy of the Troubadour when the time comes, until then, you've got this one now. You're no longer answerable to anyone, don't have to crew on anyone else's ship."

For a minute, Jack was silent. He twisted the ring on his forefinger briefly. "And say, theoretically, I wanted to crew on your ship?"

"You'll always be welcome in my crew. Though, I think you've got a taste for captaincy now, and taking orders might not come easily anymore. Not that it came very easily to start with." Teague said, with another grin.

He looked over at his son, taking in his appearance. His long hair was loosely tied back, strands escaping to flutter against his face. He had tucked his hands into his pockets, the brand on his wrist visible when the open shirt cuff shifted. His face was still a little paler than it should be, dark circles under his eyes.

"You're still not sleepin'."

"No, I'm not." Jack kept his attention on the Pearl.

"Pain, dreams or both?" Teague asked softly.

Jack sighed. "Both," he admitted quietly after a minute. "Soracha's limiting the painkillers I'd been taking because they're apparently addictive, so now I dream, and obviously the wounds hurt too. Well, I think it's my ribs that hurt, but it's all the same really."

Teague was eyeing the Pearl thoughtfully. "32 guns?"

"Mm hm. Not quite as impressive as yours, but I guarantee she's faster."

"Back to the fact you ain't sleeping, what are the dreams about? I'm sure the ship is faster, not that it matters to me, I'm perfectly happy with my Troubadour."

"The ship on fire usually. Or the slaves in the hold, or Beckett putting a brand on my wrist," Jack replied, slightly shakily.

Teague exhaled, eyes darkening briefly. "I swear I'll kill him."

"You'll have to let me help," Jack said darkly.

"Of course, and I think your godmother is ahead of me in the queue. D'you plan to go out, once you're healed?"

"Yes, though I'll need to find a crew first. Plus I'm still doing some work in the captain's quarters, and I'm not fit to sail yet, so it'll be another few weeks at least before I go."

"Good." Teague's response was slightly distracted. Then he fixed his gaze on Jack. "I've got a position to offer you, now you're captain of a ship that ain't flying an EITC flag."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"How would you feel about sittin' on the Brethren Court, as one of the Lords?"

"I-what? Is there an opening?"

"There has been a seat left to you, by the previous Lord of the Caribbean, with explicit instructions that the Piece of Eight was to go to you. Your predecessor-"

"De Santos." Jack muttered, anger tightening his voice briefly. "The previous Lord was Esmerelda, after you blew her father's brains out."

Teague shrugged. "He'd been on the Court long enough to know the consequences of breaking the Code. Anyway, Esmerelda left the Court, and disappeared, and left you the seat."

He pulled a string of beads with a coin on the end out of his pocket. Jack sighed, outstretching a hand and taking the Piece of Eight.

"Technically, you're supposed to receive the title in a meeting, but I didn't. So if anyone has a problem, send them to me, cause I'm definitely allowed to privately appoint Lords."

"And I can't refuse this?" Jack asked, eyeing the Piece of Eight in distaste.

"No. And you'd have been getting a seat eventually anyway, because you have to be a Pirate Lord before you can be Code Keeper. Your mother has been talking about it for ages."

Jack pocketed the trinket. "What d'you mean, Esmerelda disappeared?"

"She was in the Cove, surrendered the title with the instructions it was to go to you, then took her ship and left after the last meeting. Nobody has heard of her or her ship since. She has, as far as the news is, disappeared." Teague ran a hand over his jaw.

"I see."

"I mean, I probably could find her, if I cared enough to try, which I don't. Anyway, that's enough business sorted for the time being. There's a very good little tavern opened up the road since you left, if you fancy joinin' me for a bite to eat and a drink."

Jack considered the offer for a second before nodding. "Alright."

Teague's gaze flickered back to the Pearl before he fell into step with him. "She's a fine ship, and you'll make a fine captain, Jack Sparrow."

"Thank you, I appreciate the belief."
Though his tone was light, Jack's words were sincere as he stored the faith and compliment away. He thought about the Pearl again, mind lingering on her previous use. Then he grinned.

"Captain Jack Sparrow. Has quite a ring to it, doesn't it?"

"Aye. Now quit chattin' and keep walking or I'll take back my offer of drinks. I've got better things I could be doin'."

Stifling a laugh, Jack lengthened his stride, feeling more at peace than he had for a long time, and now anticipating new adventures on the ship he'd bargained his soul away for.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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