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The slap stung, just as the others had, but she still refused to let herself flinch. She simply stared, her head high and defiant, hazel eyes burning into cold blue ones.

Another heavy, stinging slap.

"I said, Pirate King, get on your knees."
Her title was a sneer, an insult coming from his lips and it only served to fuel the fire of defiance in her gaze.

"I kneel for nobody," she said coolly, her English accent clipped.

He laughed, and gestured to the shadows behind him. A second man stepped forward, dragging a bound figure behind him.

Roxanne felt her heart contract at the sight of a familiar head of dark dreadlocks, falling over bare shoulders.

A pistol was placed against the back of his head.

"On. Your. Knees."

Another rough slap.

His voice cracked as he raised his head slightly, pained eyes searching hers.

"Kneel. Or I put a bullet through his head."

Eyes still burning, but now locked on a pair of dark, pain-filled ones, she lowered herself into a kneeling position on the stone floor.

She felt the icy muzzle of a pistol settle on the back of her neck, at the base of her skull. The hammer clicked, and she hoped they at least had the decency to fire a single, clean shot.

Her lips formed three silent words.
"I love you."

A gunshot sounded, but death didn't follow. Instead, the pistol at her neck disappeared, and a body fell beside her.

"Our Pirate King dying on her knees? Jaysus, what is the feckin' world coming to?"

Blood flew through the air as a pair of knives flashed, and a trembling weight collided with Roxanne, calloused hands cupping her face.
"Asthore. Oh, Asthore, I'm sorry."

"Save it you two. We've got bastards who need killin'. Your sword, my King."

With a very quick brush of lips to her husband, Roxanne pulled away to accept the weapon from her sister in law.

Hazel Teague's eyes were uncharacteristically hard as they ran quickly over her older brother.
"Let's make this quick, and get the fuck out of here."

She shot, while Soracha's knives stabbed and sliced, both beautiful in their efficiency.

Roxanne knew they could handle this without her help, so she stayed beside her husband.
"What hurts?" she murmured to him.

"Only me ribs really. But I don't even think they're broken."
His hand was now tangled in her hair, fingers gently gripping the thick waves.

Soracha, obviously overhearing, let out a snort as she stepped over a body to join them. "Every single fucking time you have said the words "ribs" and "hurts" in the same sentence for all the time I've known you, they've been broken, or badly cracked if you were very lucky."

Teague smiled slightly as he took Roxanne's hand in his, gently kissing her head before helping her up.

"C'mon. Let's go home."

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