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The kitchen was almost dark.
The only sources of light were two flickering stubs of candles and the softly-glowing embers in the fireplace.

At a cluttered table, two men sat opposite each other, each with a steaming mug in hand.

"What's your secret?" the younger of the two asked suddenly.

"Secret to what?"
The older man's voice was gravelly and slightly Irish-accented.

"Staying married."

There was a low, throaty laugh, then two more candles were lit, throwing light over the features of the two men.

"Jack Sparrow, did you really just ask me that?"

The elder man had greying black dreadlocks, held back by a dark green bandana. His features were weathered by age and years at sea.
Dark eyes, heavily outlined with kohl, held wisdom gained by being alive for six decades.

"I did," Jack replied, raising his mug to his lips.
"If the great Captain Teague can't answer the secret of relationships, what hope does anyone else have?"

"Don't be so fucking sarcastic," Teague said, stretching his legs out, the slight crack of his knees reminding him of his age.

He pulled a pipe out of his waistcoat pocket, taking his time filling it.
Only when it was lit did he return his attention to his son.

"If you're askin' why I'm still married to your mum, the answers simple."

"Go on," said Jack, waving a hand, his rings flashing in the candlelight.

"We happen to love each other. We stay together. An' she puts up with me, which I know mustn't be easy."

"Nothing to do with the bedroom?" Jack asked, smirking.

"Well..." Teague trailed off and Jack smirked again.
"Go on Dad. Say it."

Teague rolled his eyes, taking a pull from the pipe and exhaling smoke.
"Oh alright. The fact she can fuck me senseless helps too."

Jack paused for a moment, studying a stain on the table.
"What do you think she'd say if I asked her this?"

"The fact I never tied her down. An' the fact I respect her independence. I'd say the fact we're both hot-headed and stubborn probably helps too, because we read each other so well."

"Would you say your physical affection helps?"

"Definitely," said Teague with a nod.
"We can't keep our hands off each other and I think that keeps us very much in love. And I don't just mean in bed. I mean the casual holding hands, arms around each other, the kisses on jaws and temples and foreheads. The linked arms when walking. That kind of thing."

Jack bit his lip, twisting a ring around his finger awkwardly.
"I know Mum thinks I'll never settle down, but that's not entirely true."

Teague raised an eyebrow.
"Have you found a lass, Jackie?"

Slowly, his son nodded.

"What's her name?"

"Storm. I saved her from the gallows and she joined my crew."

"A woman aboard the Pearl?" Teague said in disbelief.

"You serve under a woman. In more ways than one. The current Pirate King is a woman, thanks to you. Why so shocked?"

"You've never had a woman aboard your ship before. Ever."

"First time for everything," Jack said casually.

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