Chapter 20

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I couldn't fall asleep.
All I could think of was that kiss.
I didn't know what to think of it.
I mean... Sure I enjoyed it.
But we were best friends.
Best friends aren't supposed to make out.
"He has a girlfriend who he loves." I reminded myself, "It's not like he loves me."

"And you don't love him."


The way I felt during the kiss... I haven't felt that way for a very long time.
I felt sparks. Actual sparks.
I didn't know what to think of it.
I never would've thought that I fell for Louis.
I refused to believe it.
We were best friends and that's it.
Nothing more.


My heart pounded in my chest as I opened the front door to our flat. I was still a bit shaken up by that kiss. I felt like I should tell Jess... I felt like I should be honest with her. I'd rather her find out by me telling her than for her to find out herself.
But then again, the only people who knew were Kathryn and I.
"Hey Louis you're back!" Jessica exclaimed, "How was your day?"

You know, I just made out with my so called friend.

"That's good." She replied.
I looked into her eyes knowing what would happen if I told her the truth right now.

She would scream at me and say
"This is why I told you to stay away from her! I knew you would fall for her!"
And there she would fall to the floor with tears in her eyes.
"I knew this would happen! Why couldn't you just listen to me Louis?
How could you? It's been 3 years!"

Except that won't happen. I'm not telling her.
I didn't fall for Kathryn...
It was only a kiss.


Little did I know, this kiss would change everything.
She didn't talk to me the next day at school. I didn't talk to her either.
I didn't want it to stay like this...
But I didn't know what I could possibly say after all this.
And we still had to present our project on Wednesday, maybe she would talk to me then.


I had already finished the project on my own. I figured that Louis wouldn't come over again to finish it with me, so that was my only option.

I was sitting in my maths class, listening to the professor.
In under 10 minutes, I was supposed to present the project with Louis.

"This will be due next class. I expect all the work to be shown on a separate sheet of paper, neatly so I can read it. Any questions?"
No one raised their hands, and that was it for that class.

My stomach flipped as I saw Louis sat in his new spot, near the door, in the music classroom.
I walked directly past him to my usual spot.
All we were to do today was present our projects, so I sat there and listened to 2 girls talk about a famous violin group I'd never heard of.

Louis eventually raised his hand for us to go up.
I brought my laptop to the front and plugged it into the projector.

Louis did most of the talking, and I just mostly stood there and changed the slides of the PowerPoint.

"Where's the last slide, Kathryn?" He whispered.
"What? I thought this was all we were supposed to do..." I responded.
He gave a fake smile to the teacher to let him know that we were done. And we went back to our seats.
Louis gave me an evil glare as soon as he sat down.
I had no clue what other slide we were supposed to do, I thought he was just messing with me.
I ignored him and pulled out my notebook to draw for the rest of class.

I stopped when I felt a presence next to me.
It was Louis.

I closed my notebook as my heartbeat began to speed up.
"What the hell Kathryn! Why didn't you do the last slide!" He whispered.
"What are you talking about? I didn't know there was supposed to be a last slide-"
"You were supposed to do a slide on all the people who contributed in the band... like producers, and their record company." He explained, "Remember that?"
"Oh yeah... I remember that. Sorry Louis." I told him.
"That's like 20 points off the assignment, Kathryn." He snapped.
"Well I can't do anything about it!" I whisper-yelled, "And you didn't even help at all with it! So you can't get mad at me."
"You're the one who hasn't been talking to me, Kathryn." Louis began, "All because of a stupid kiss."
Anger boiled up inside me as class was dismissed.
"You kissed me Louis!" I told him as I slung my bag over my shoulder, "In case you didn't remember, you have a fucking girlfriend!"
I started to walk away, but he caught up to me.
"But you didn't pull away, did you? You kissed me back." He reminded me, "You're just as bad as I am."
"Look Louis, I don't know why I did that okay? But I absolutely regret it." I started,
"Love doesn't exist.
Happiness doesn't exist.
There is no such thing as a happy ending.
I learned that a long time ago, and even if you don't love me, or like me, and you just kissed me for no reason... I don't care."

"Just know that I do not love you. I do not like you, and I just want to go back to how it was, with me alone. That kiss meant nothing to me. I think if you and I just forget everything that happened between us, it would be better for both of us." I finished.

He didn't say anything, so I just walked away.

"Wait, Kathryn!" He called.
I turned around and he was there, out of breath from running over to me.
"Why does anything have to change? Can't we just go back to how it was before? Like at the concert?" He asked.
"Didn't you hear me?
Happiness doesn't exist.
If we're friends, all there's gonna be is drama. Just like right now."

"Why do you think that?!" He yelled, "Do you hate me? Is it really that bad to be my friend?!" His voice cracked as he finished, it looked like he was on the verge of tears.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

"Why don't you believe you can be happy?" He asked.

"Because something happened a long time ago." I said softly, "Ever since then everything's been going wrong."

"So are you saying it was a mistake that we met?" He questioned, "Do you really think you'd be better off alone?"

"I- I don't know..."

"Goodbye, Kathryn." He spoke softly.

I wanted to run after him, just like he had done to me.
But I didn't.
I just watched him walk back to the car park,
and then drive away.

{I'm writing this on a train :D ooh how tumblr.
So I'm gonna try to update more this week cuz it's spring break and I have all this week off.
That's not for sure though bc I have homework but I'll try.
Ok so please favorite if you enjoyed.
Ily ok byeeee}

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