Chapter 28

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Monday, December 8th, 2015


Ever since Louis has come into my life I've had constant drama. It just never goes away.
Do you think it's a sign, dad?
Should I stop being his friend, or is this supposed to happen?
I just have this feeling that he's just gonna leave me anyhow, so maybe I should.
I'm going over to his today,. Even though his girlfriend hates me, and that's her house.
I wonder if he knows how much damage that does?
Me coming over makes her despise me even more.
But then again, my flat isn't a better option.
Maybe w

I stopped writing as I heard my phone buzz.

*Where are you? Weren't you supposed to come over an hour ago?*

It was a text from Louis.

*Sorry, I'm on my way now.*

I grabbed my bag and shoved my notebook and phone inside as I walked down the stairs, and eventually out the front door.


Even though Jess and I were always fighting about me hanging out with Kathryn so much, I didn't stop hanging out with her.

Jessica couldn't always have her way, and I was teaching her that.

Kathryn and I hung out at my flat that day, just like we did a lot of the times.
We talked about random shit, and we laughed about each others stories.

But today felt different.
Something felt different.

I ignored it either way, but I could still tell.

"Lou, that's not how it works." Kathryn giggled as I laid back on my couch.

"You know, I should have a nickname for you. Since your name is so long." I stated, "There's so many alternatives. Kathy, Katie, Kate, Kat..."

I looked over at her and she didn't say anything.
She wasn't facing me, and I didn't see her reaction to this, so I continued.

"You know, I quite like that.
I'm going to call you Kat now. Kat Woods."

"How do you like it, Kat?" I asked her.

She still faced the other way, not speaking a word.
I walked over to where she was sitting, cautious with every step.
"Kat? Are you okay...?" I questioned.

"What the hell do you want from me Louis?!" She yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why are you even my friend?!" She screamed, "Do you really think it's gonna last? Do you really think that we can just deal with the everlasting drama?!"

"Here's a reality check Louis: I didn't have any friends for a reason. I'm just a shitstorm in one little package. That's why I don't have any friends, and that's why I don't want any friends. Because I just cause them pain." She continued.

"And you Louis... why are you even my friend?! What makes me so special huh?! Cause I already have enough to deal with and now I have Jessica hating me."
Tears continued to leave her eyes as she continued her rant.

She looked so angry, I had never seen her like this.

But behind her eyes, I saw sadness.

What the bloody hell was going on?

"So no Louis. You can't call me... you can't call me Kat. Just- just fuck off. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I don't want to have to deal with this anymore." Her voice rang through my ears like all the sharps and flats on the piano being played at once.

What was wrong with her?!

And as she finished, she grabbed her purse, and stormed out the front door.

I didn't know what to say... I didn't know what to think.

Before I had the time to do any of that, I noticed a blue, old, worn out notebook laying on the couch that Kathryn had been sitting on.

Her notebook.
She left her notebook.

I picked it up carefully, examining the outside.

It was quite old. You could tell by how the edges of it were worn down.
It looked like any old school notebook.
But, I knew it wasn't.

As bad as I felt for going through Kathryn's personal things... my curiosity was killing me.
I knew this notebook was special to her. She took it with her everywhere, and I was never allowed to touch it. Who knows what kind of stuff she kept in there?

I was about to find out.

On the bottom of the inside cover of the notebook said the name Kathryn Wood in very childish hard writing.

I opened it to the first page to find a series of little doodles.

They didn't look similar to the pictures that I've seen her draw.
The date in the corner said:

That was 3 years ago.

I found many other pages like the first one.

A couple pages in, I found something that was quite peculiar.

I thought it was a diary entry, but it wasn't.
It was a letter.
A letter from 2 years ago.
"I guess it was never sent." I thought.

Monday, October 19th, 2012


I love Danny so much. I'm so glad I found him. I'm sure you would love him. Oh god I wish you could meet him. You guys would get along so well.
He likes Manchester United like you, and he likes watching American football like you...

I don't know why I'm writing this letter if I can't send it to you. For some reason, it makes me feel like I'm actually talking to you. It makes me feel like you are actually listening.
I don't know, maybe I'm crazy.
It just never felt like you actually left.

{heyYy sorry for uploading this late I literally have no reason so sorry but hey it's up}

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