Chapter 30

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{ WARNING: this chapter may also include some triggering stuff so if you don't like that then I suggest you don't read this part. Don't worry it will be over soon :) }
{and also, there's not that much in this chapter}

I watched as the medics carried her onto the gurney, and out the door.
I quickly caught up to them and asked,
"Will she be okay?"

"It's hard to tell at the moment. We'll have to wait until we get her into the ambulance." They answered.
I gave a small nod.

I assumed they wouldn't let me go with them in the ambulance, so I ran to my car.
"Wait!" Jessica interrupted, grabbing my shoulder.

"Is she okay?" She asked me.

"Why do you care? I thought you hated her." I responded.

"I..." She started, "Are you going to follow the ambulance?"

"Yeah. And you're slowing me down with that at the moment." I told her.

"Do you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"No. I'd rather you stay. You don't even like her anyways." I replied.

And with that, the ambulance began to speed away, and I followed.


As I drove, I began to wonder...
Was I going to be the only one with her in the hospital?
That made me realize...
I was really all she had.

I looked at the giant ambulance in front of me.
What was going on in there?
Was she even alive?!

Thoughts of her lifeless, dead body inside that vehicle in front of me haunted my mind.

Her lying there, without the usual vibrant color in her cheeks...
Without the pink rose color of her lips...
The faithful nurses and doctors desperately trying to revive her.

Her fair skin... now as white as a sheet...
The only sense of color coming from the blood dripping scars on her wrists-

I shook my head, trying to clear the frightening images from my mind.

"She's fine Louis." I told myself,
"She won't give up on me.
She won't."

The hospital came into view and I loosened my grip on the steering wheel.

I took a deep breath as I quickly parked my car, watching the ambulance stop in front of the hospital to take her inside.

I sprinted inside the doors.
I was about to ask the lady at the desk where to go, but before I could, she was pointing me in the right direction.
I nodded and went to a room that I saw them take her into.

"Sir, you can't go in there right now. If you want to see her, you are going to have to wait." A nurse told me as she was going inside.
"Wait! Will it be long?" I asked her.
"No, it shouldn't take too long. We just need to give her stitches before she looses too much blood, and then she should be alright." She replied, giving me a sympathetic smile.
I nodded and thanked her, taking a seat right outside the door.

An hour passed, and I was still outside tapping my foot on the tile floor.



I heard Louis' voice faintly as my mind wandered in it's unconsciousness.
"Will she be okay?!"

"I'm sorry Louis!" I tried to tell him, but my mouth wasn't opening.

Innocent (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now