43: A beach date and big talks

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Hey guys, new chapter! It's been a busy while, dealing with getting two bachelor degrees and balancing a job and an internship at the moment, but I'm really trying to free up some writing time!

I've made a bit more of a time outline in the story, because it was extremely unspecified. With everything that happened I'm setting it to about 9 months from when they met, putting Martha at about 5-6 months along now. Also, I've come to realize the beginning of this story is kind of poorly written because I was a 17 year old European without much English experience when starting it, so I might go back and change some stuff. However, that's why the last few and next few chapters will prolly have quite a bit of world- and character exposure. I need to put in everything I skipped over as an inexperienced teen lol. Also still reeling at how 17 year old me thought 23-28 was a completely normal age to be CEO of anything. I'm 23 and all I'm CEO of is study delays and mental illness.

Also also, this chapter is a very soul-searching type deal, sorry 😅

Lydia's POV:

"Where in the world are we going? I wondered aloud as I stepped into the sleek black cab waiting for Jack and me.

"No idea, but with those four planning everything, I'm not sure whether to be scared or prepare for the best day of my life," Jack said as he entered the roomy car beside me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Either way, I'm still excited," I smiled, pecking his lips and snuggling in under his arm. "I mean nothing by this, but an adult-only day sounds absolutely incredible. No dirty diapers for a whole day," I grinned as an afterthought, making Jack chuckle.

"That sounds more like a you problem, but yes, I definitely see the appeal. Also, no little eyes," he smirked, leaning in for another kiss. This time, it quickly deepened as his hand found the hairs at the nape of my neck and I lightly bit his bottom lip before pulling away.

"Not yet, you. We're in a car," I said innocently, and he gave me a sideways smile.

"You drive me crazy, you beautiful woman," he said, following it up with a small kiss to my cheek.

"I know I do," I grinned. "In all seriousness though, how are you? We haven't gotten that much time alone lately," I asked, shuffling in my seat to better look at Jack.

"I'm alright. Have to say though, I've been stressed the last while. Ruby's been increasingly unhappy at her job, the work hours are too much for her and she needs more team support. My paintings alone aren't enough to pay the bills around the house, though, and neither is my military pension. We really need to find a way to make something work, I'm getting really worried about Ruby. I don't want her ending up getting burnout, it would be awful for her. So uh, yeah, sorry for the word vomit, you're just kind of the first person outside of Ruby to seriously ask lately. I really hope this doesn't put a damper on today," the man blurted, turning red and rubbing his beard awkwardly. I smiled at him, taking his hand.

"Thanks for telling me, first of all. Money and work issues aren't easy topics for anyone. This definitely doesn't put a damper on today, I'm personally not someone who likes to chitchat about nothing all day and you know that," I started firmly, bringing his hand up kissing it to emphasize the point.

"I get it though. I'd love to offer all of these couple solutions, because if we choose to move in together our finances would be no issue whatsoever. However, we're only just starting out and I don't want to make fast decisions through rose-coloured lenses. If you want, though, I could look into some art gigs through Colton's and my connections? Plus, you could try asking Martha to take a look at your investments if you feel comfortable? She's working as a freelance financial advisor nowadays," I said, very much and very awkwardly trying to give proper adult support. I'd spent too much time around Colton lately and I felt lacking in the grown-up department.

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