47: Flirty littles and Exploding P-Doms

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A/N: Sorry it took a while again, brain be braining and it's been a bit of a struggle. I do not recommend BPD + ADHD, it's an impractical combo.

Anyhoots, have I ever shown you (very) angsty Lydia? Because if Colton's designation can make him lose control sometimes...

My characters are really running into their mental and emotional boundaries these chapters lol. Whoops.

Also, if you can't handle second hand embarrassment.. I'm sorry for this one, but also how did you make it this far into the story? I'm impressed.

Also also, just to clarify, when Colton's anywhere near little he calls Lydia Mama. Only when he's big it's Mommy, except in stressful situations or for Lydia's sake. This regression trope has been kind of hard to figure out writing wise, ngl.

Lydia's POV

The weekend had absolutely flown by. We met up with Jack, Ruby, Martha and Neill on Saturday, where we finally planned another get together with the entire friend group the next week. Colton and I played games all Sunday and we had an incredible time, but by the time my alarm went off Monday morning, I woke with a knot in my stomach.

It was another studio day, and the day Colton had his first rehearsals with Deborah Ann Woll. She was a gorgeous lady who seemed very kind, but she was also a general dom and she had to play Colton's girlfriend, which I really did not like.

No matter how much of a softie I was, I was still a dom, a dom with a vulnerable, precious sub I loved very much. The idea of another dom getting that close to Colton made a deep, protective rage flare through me. There was a part of me that doubted whether it was even a good idea for me to be there, but as self-important as it sounds, I knew Colton couldn't handle the entire work day without me.

So I was going to have to put my big girl panties on and pretend to be a civilized human being while reminding myself that it's only acting.

It's just. Freaking. Acting. It's his job.

Groaning to myself one final time, I rolled out of bed to get showered and dressed before getting Colton up. The baby monitor hadn't made a peep yet, so I gave myself a few minutes to actually diffuse my curls for once before going to get the boy up.

Colton woke up happy and basically fully big, which I admit went a long way in calming me down before we had to go.

Being bigger, however, meant that the little was also significantly more perceptive. While I was feeding him breakfast, I suddenly felt his hand on my arm and he met my eyes with a little worry.

"Mommy? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sweetheart, Mommy's fine," I replied, grabbing his hand to press a kiss to it.

"What's gotten you all worried about me, huh?"

Colton fidgeted a little, but kept my gaze nonetheless.

"I, um, you look a little tense. And I know stuff like.. Me working with Deborah is weird for doms," he muttered, voice quieting down towards the end. I supposed he was feeling a little awkward trying to talk me down for a change.

"It is, Colton, and I'm sorry for letting that show. But don't you worry, I'm fine. I need you to know that I am impressed by you being able to do this and that I'm fully supportive, okay? It's just my mama bear emotions, and those are not your responsibility. I'll be right there with you," I promised, feeling like a bit of a failure for Colton having to notice my struggle with this. I had to admit, I was surprised he had been so on the money.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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