8: meetings and Spidey

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A/N: Waaah! 100 reads in the first week! Thank you guys so much!

Lydia's POV:

It was a relatively easy night, with only one inbetween diaper change by a groggy me to a slightly uncomfortable baby, but luckily we both woke up very rested.

My timer went off at seven, and the first thing I did was get myself ready and order breakfast through roomservice before opening my laptop and checking where our ten AM meeting with Larry would be, before I walked into Colton's room, where the boy was lying, stil peacefully asleep which was a sign of how exhausted he'd been, since most babies don't really sleep past six thirty.

I walked up to him and crouched down next to the bed, where I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Colton? Hey sweetie, it's Lydia. We have a meeting in a little over two hours, so we need to get you up, buddy" I said, and he whined around his pacifier while burieng his face in Spidey's stomach.

"Come on buddy, don't we need to get some food in that tummy?"  I said, and he whined again.

"Noh. I wanna sleep" He said, and I chuckled.

More drastic measures, then.

I opened the curtains, pulled the covers off the bed and jumped on the bed next to him, pinning the man down with my knees and tickling his sides.

"Nooh! No, Lydia! Stop!" He whined, but soon he'd started to giggle loudly, weakly pushing at me.

Until he farted loudly, which seemed to startle him senseless, which in turn cracked me up.

"O my god, I don't care if that was gross, you're adorable. I chuckled while stroking his tummy. 

"Allright, I'm gonna get you changed, and then breakfast, okay?" I said, and he nodded.

"Allright, let's take a look at that rash of yours" I said while untaping his diaper, and I was dissapointed to see that, while the angry red had diminished a little bit, it wasn't as healed as I'd expected it to yet, so I wiped him clean and got some rash cream on him, but I didn't re-diaper him.

"I'm sorry if this is a little awkward sweetie, but I think you have to let that rash breathe for a little while, otherwise it won't go away" I said, and he looked at me in confusion.

"Naked time, buddy" I said, and he blushed.

"Do I have to?" He asked, and I chuckled.

"There's nothing down there I haven't seen yet, buddy. Come on, let's have some breakfast" I said, and I helped him up. I put some towels over a chair before sitting him down.

"Allright, I ordered some blueberry pancakes, do you like those?" I asked, and he nodded enthusiastically before tucking into the pancakes, smearing his face under at the first few bites.

"Okay bud, why don't I help you with that? We don't really have time for a big bath this morning" I said while taking his fork and knife from his hands and cutting the pancakes up before starting to feed him.

"Sorry, my hand-eye coordination hasn't been the best lately" he said with a small blush, even though he didn't seem to be as embarrassed as he'd been last time.

Something about sitting naked on a chair in front of someone probably raised the bar on embarrassment.

"No problem, Colton. Now let's get some milk into you and watch a little television before we have to get to the company building. You have to keep in mind that there might be some paparazzi trying to ask some questions. Are you okay with that?" I asked, and he shrugged.

Mommy's little Business-ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon