38; outing hickeys

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Honestly, I've never done XTC but I'm pretty sure it feels very close to finally fitting into my size 6 jeans again.

Picture is Ruby! :)

Lydia's POV:

"And? What's so urgent?" Jack asked, and I sighed in frustration.

"She can't say to anyone but the owner of the company, which is Colton. We'll have to set up a meeting with everyone as soon as she's  back," I said, and the other p-dom frowned.

"But you're his legal caregiver, shouldn't that give you autonomy over all of his business?"

"No, not in our case," I said, turning the tea kettle on and sitting down. "I kept our business, at least in that perspective, seperate because it's his company, and it didn't feel right for me to impose. And it doesn't matter that much, because Colton will tell me anyway."

"That's really awesome. I can't imagine what it must've been like for him to regress so hard and fast, it's probably a good thing that you allowed him to keep the company," Jack said with an approving smile, and I was about to lean in for a kiss when we heard a voice from the door opening.

"Daddy? I can't sleep. The bed is too big," Ruby said, rubbing her eyes, and Jack picked her up.

"That sounds like a problem! But why didn't you call out, huh? You know that we have a baby monitor in that room as well, and you're not allowed to get out by yourself, are you?" He said, and she shook her head.

"I know daddy. I'm sorry, I was just, um, kinda scared in the dark alone. I know it's stupid," she said softly, more timidly than I was used to with the little girl, or the woman when she was in her adult headspace. Seemed that all the changes of the day hadn't missed their effect on Ruby either.

"It's okay, sweetpea. Just remember to call daddy next time, okay?" Jack said, pressing a kiss to the girl's head.

"What do you think about some hot chocolate to calm those nerves, Ruby?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah, thank you. I'm still tired," she sighed, plunking her head down on Jack's shoulder and putting her thumb in her mouth.

"Allright, I'm going to sit down on the couch with her. Maybe she'll still fall asleep," Jack said hopefully, and Ruby huffed, disgruntled.

"I'm here, you know. You don't have to talk over my head."

"I'm sorry, miss grumpy. Come on, let's get comfy," Jack chuckled before making his way into the living room, grabbing one of my soft, fuzzy grey blankets from the crate next to the couch.

I quickly finished the hot chocolate and poored it into a sippy cup, and I smiled warmly when I walked out.

Jack had practically swaddled Ruby, who'd still been in just a shirt and nighttime diaper, in the fuzzy blanket, making the girl look like a blanket burrito. He was softly talking to her while stroking her hair. The little looked to be half-asleep already, looking up when I walked in through half-lidded eyes.

"Look at that, muppet. Auntie Lydia got you some hot chocolate!" Jack cooed at the girl, who tiredly smacked her lips.

"Chocolate?" She asked drowsily, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, Rube. Hot chocolate. Sounds good, huh?"

"Yeah," the girl replied, taking the spout of the sippy cup into her mouth, cup supported by Jack, and she sighed in contentment.

"Tasty, I take it?" Jack chuckled, and Ruby gave a happy hum in reply.

The girl dozed off slightly, content with snuggling into Jack's chest and the blanket surrounding her.

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