36; sexual tension and baby reasoning

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Hey my beautiful sugar babies! Picture is doctor James Cole ;)

Also there's smut in this.. Couldn't help myself. It's near the end. Enjoy or skip, I myself think it is a pretty accurate representation of heterosexual sex, though I have not experienced that in a long time. Because a little homo never hurt anyone *wink wink, nudge nudge*

I'm so single it hurts. Any princesses here that need rescuing?

Lydia's POV:

And Jack, of course, immediately picked up.

"Lyds? Hey, what's going on?"

"Hey, Jack. I'm sorry to ask this, but Jerome isn't responding and I need someone with a car seat to pick Colton and me up from the studio. He's completely exhausted, and it's been a really rough day. Could you please come get us?" I asked, hoping that this whole exchange wouldn't be as awkward as I was feeling right now.

"Yeah, of course! Just text me the adress, I'll be right there. Ruby's still at work anyway," said Jack, and I sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank you so much. I really wasn't feeling like hauling an uber with a cranky baby. I'll text you the adress right now," I said, and Jack chuckled.

"Allright, bye!" He said before hanging up.

I immediately texted him the adress, in the process jostling Colton a little again.

"Nu-uh, ma-ah!" He whined, high-pitched and exhausted, and I sighed.

"I know, I know sweetheart. Let me just sit down, and I'll get you Spidey."


"What is with you and these pants today, huh? Big you insisted on wearing them," I said, recalling how Colton had been adamant about wearing the grey slacks.

"I-icky!" He offered as explanation, and I sighed again. I could hardly let the boy sit in just a shirt and diaper, and the only other pants I had for him at the moment were jeans. No baby pants, which was my mistake for thinking he'd actually make it through the day big.

"We can get those icky pants off you once uncle Jack gets here with the car, allright baby boy?" I offered, but he just whined louder, frustrated tears making their way down his cheeks.

"Nu-uh! Off, mah-ma!" He exclaimed, yanking at the top of his pants.

"Looks like someone's just about ready to go home," Robert deadpanned, and I gave him a sideways glance.

"Yeah, he's a little overwhelmed. Luckily a friend of mine could come pick us up," I said absentmindedly while taking Colton's hands to still them. "His quest to stay big obviously wasn't a big success today."

"Ma-ah, nuh!" Colton interrupted, and I just agreed with whatever he was cranky about now before returning my attention to Robert. "But it's nothing that a bottle and an early night won't fix."

"Luckily. I think it's really impressive that he's still doing all of this, being a little. It's a big step forward in the industry," the actor said, and I smiled.

"I think so too. It's taking a lot out of him, though. Especially because we don't have a set schedule yet," I said, rubbing Colton's back softly.

"Miss Carson? There is a man here, saying that you are expecting him, by the name of Jack Danvers," Jamie, Kevin's assistant, said as he walked through the door.

"Yes, please let him through. He's here to pick up Colton and me," I said, relieved that I'd be able to get Colton home, finally.

"Lyds, hey! Holy -these are all very famous people," Jack said, eyes widening as he walked in.

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