15- family and water bombs

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Picture is Jack :)

Lydia's POV:

"Hey baby! Are you excited to meet the rest of the family?" I cooed at my little boy while feeding him the final bottle on the train before we'd get out in Perth.

He looked up at me with the most adorable "dammit mommy, how the hell do you expect me to reply with this bottle in my mouth?" Look on his face.

I finished giving him his bottle and quickly got him dressed in his "big boy" clothes. After two days of practice, he was able to walk normally, albeit with a small wobble, when he was supported by someone else.

Alone, he still had that adorable, wiggly-butt toddle that made me coo at him whenever I saw him.

"I'm kinda nervous. What if they don't like me?" He asked, in a mix between his adult and his little headspace.

"Oh baby, of course they'll like you! You've been friends online with Ruby for a long, long time, haven't you?" I reassured, and he nodded, not entirely convinced, but I was sure he'd be okay.

Marissa, Mike, Frank, Jack and Ruby were completely harmless.

The train stopped, and while Martha basically pulled Neill off the train to meet our friends, I carefully helped Colton off while Holly and Trevor helped with our suitcases.

We'd rented a private villa, or more specific, Colton had, so everyone could spend the month in Perth together. Which was a good thing, because dealing with little Colton in a place where no one was supposed to know he was a little was one hell of a job.

We made it on to the station, where I was looking around for my friends-turned-family until I was jumped by a familiar form, which forced me to let go of Colton's hand.

"Auntie! Auntie Lydia, you're here!" Ruby squealed while jumping into my arms, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, kiddo, I am-" I said, but I was interrupted by a small-sounding

"Mommy?" From the floor, where Colton was sitting, after he'd apparently lost his balance.

"I'm sorry! So sorry! Zazzie! I can finally see you for real!" Ruby exclaimed while clambering down to hug Colton, who looked up at me insecurely.

"You're okay, Colton. Ruby, why don't we go to your daddy and the others, huh? I think Colton will want to play a little more after a nap when we get to the villa, okay?" I said, and Ruby grinned widely.

"Okay! Come on!" She said, skipping ahead while I helped up Colton, cautious of not making him look like a little before we followed her.

"Lydia! Hey!" Mike waved, while Frank, a slender, dark-haired man with a grey beanie, stood slightly behind him and looked at me with a slight smile before suspiciously squinting his eyes at Colton.

Yeah, the cat-sub really had all of the characteristics of the animal he felt so close to.

"Hey Mike, Frank, everyone. How are you guys?" I smiled while walking towards them, and Mike wrapped me up in a hug.

"We're great! How are you? And this must be Colton. How are you?" The friendly, blonde bear of a guy asked, pretending like he didn't already know Colton, which I was happy for.

"Hi" Colton managed to get out, looking slightly overwhelmed.

"You know what, why don't we get to the limo, and then we can talk more there, and at the villa" Jack suggested, and I threw him a grateful smile.

"Yeah, I think that might be a good idea. Let's head out" I said, and we made our way to the black limousine waiting for us outside of the station.

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