40; godparents and this is what makes a dom tick

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I have slept less than twelve hours in the past three days. Wooooo! College!

Real talk though, I'm very sorry about how late this is. Life's been a bitch. It's not a very exciting chapter, but I promise I'll make it up with the Jimmy Fallon one.

Lydia's POV:

"Huh?" Colton said, confused at the sudden information, and I chuckled. I'd noticed that he was bigger than his body wanted him to be by the way he looked at me and tried to talk to me in his adorable baby babble.

"Yeah, you've been invited to come on the tonight show! Would you like that?" I said, mentally already trying to come up with a plan to keep the boy big and awake throughout the late night show- honestly, having a baby on a night show was not that good of an idea, but the positive publicity it'd provide was undeniable.

"Yuh show," he said after some small frowns, trying to find the words.

"Allright baby, I'll confirm that then. Don't worry, I won't ask any more stupid, wordy questions," I winked, dressing the boy in just a fresh onesie and some fuzzy socks. Are you still feeling very icky?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Better or worse than last night?"


"Alright, sweetheart," I smiled, interrupting the boy, who emitted a cough before blushing bright red.

"Let's hope it's just a twenty-four hour thing, then," I said, setting the boy on my hip and carrying him downstairs.

"Bottle for breakfast?" I asked, at which he whined and shook his head.

"Alright, some fruit then?"

"Nuh-oh!" He yelped with a kick. "Nuh b'efas!"

"No breakfast, huh? Well, we need to get something in that tummy. But maybe we should try some medicine and some juice first, huh?" I reasoned, and he shook his head in disdain.

"Nuh ma-ah!" He whined, rubbing his stomach, clearly frustrated and close to a breakdown.

"I know you don't want to, little man. But you need to at least have your medicine! You don't still want to be ill when you have to go on the tonight show, right?" I asked, and he pouted, nodding while apparently blinking away some tears.

"Oh sweetheart! Mommy's being a big meanie, huh? Come here, baby boy. You're okay!" I cooed as he hiccupped against me. "You're just all icky and inbetween, huh?"

"Yuh," he said softly, running his thumb over his bottom lip.

I took his hand gently, and his breath hitched again. Of course.

I quickly got him his medication and juice, popping the bottle in. A drinking baby is a quiet baby.

When he was done, I burped him and popped in his pacifier. Now to distract him..

Turns out I didn't have to worry, because my doorbell rang, and Colton stiffened in my arms.

"Martha? Neill? What on earth-"

"Hey! We thought we'd stop by to- are you two okay?" Martha asked, seeing the sniffling, pale boy in my arms.

"He's caught something. Ruby has it too," I sighed, and Martha threw me a curious glance, but didn't say anything.

"Allright, in that case you've got two pairs of helping hands. Hey Colton, how are you?" Martha said, bending down slightly to see Colton's face, since the boy seemed to be attempting to climb into me to hide.

"Nu-oh!" He just whined softly, clinging to me even tighter.

"I'm sorry, he's very little and feeling very bad. Come in," I smiled, comfortingly rubbing up and down the boy's back.

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