13: Touring and lightweights

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Lydia's POV:

Thankfully, with some convincing from Martha, Holly, Spidey and Princess I managed to wrangle my baby boy into some pants before our first stop.

Right before we'd get off the train, however, I received a phone call from..

"Jack? Hey, how are you?" I asked, just to be met by an entirely different voice.

"Hey auntie! We have news!" Ruby squealed, and I chuckled.

"Hello to you too, Ruby. What are you doing with your daddy's phone?" I asked, and she giggled.

"I kinda took it. Daddy wanted to surprise you, but I wanted to tell!" She exclaimed, before I could hear a muffled "HEY!" and a crackling through the phone.

"Hey Lyds, sorry about that. How are you?" Jack asked, and I chuckled.

"I'm really great" I said while running my hand through the hair of my little boy, who was looking up at me curiously.

"You sound like it! Have you finally found someone? Ruby told me about the forum" Jack asked, and I looked at my little boy.

"Hey Colton. Do you think you'd be okay if I told Jewel's daddy about you?" I asked, and he looked at me insecurely.

"He won't tell, will he?" Colton asked, and I smiled.

"No, he won't. Big promise, okay?" I said, and he nodded.

"Yeah, Jack. I've finally found someone" I smiled into the phone.

"Finally! It's about time. What's his name?" Jack asked, and I smiled again.

"Well, first, I have to tell you that you can't tell everyone yet, because he isn't quite out about his classification. But I trust you enough to tell you. His name is Colton, Colton Zalamarez" I said, and I heard the other P-dom emit a slight gasp.

"Of course I won't tell! But Colton Zalamarez? He's a little? How old is his headspace? Has he had anyone to help him? How is he doing?" Jack asked, and I could feel immediate comfort at the questions of another P-dom. It was so great to talk to someone who thought the same as me.

"He didn't have anyone, I found him in a very bad place. His headspace is around twenty months, and he's already doing a lot better than he was at first. He's sitting right next to me, actually" I told the man.

"But now, I'd like to know about the surprise Ruby wanted to tell me about" I said, and the man chuckled.

"Yeah, she couldn't keep a surprise a surprise again. Well, we've decided to come visit you in Perth. Us and the others haven't been able to have our annual holiday, so we thought it'd be a good idea to get together in Perth" he said, and I smiled brightly.

"Who else are coming?" I questioned while pulling Colton closer to me.

"Michael, Frank and Marissa are coming as well. Now you know, could you inform Martha as well?" Jack asked, and I grinned.

They were the closest core of our friends-turned-family, and I was really looking forward to seeing them.

"Moh-mee!" Colton whined, and I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I know, sweetie, mommy's being very boring. Just a little while, okay?" I asked, and he whined even louder.

"Thanks, Jack, that's really amazing. I just think I have to go now, you see-"

"I heard, Lyds. It's okay. Go tend to him. I'll see you in three days" Jack said, and I could hear a loud "BYE!" from Ruby, and I heard Jack murmur something.

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