34; actual fittings and rehearsals

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Have any of you guys ever had an inner ear infection? Whelp, I hadn't since I was five, and christ it sucks. Also finals week is next week, so I'm basically fucked.

Lydia's POV:

After Martha finished her sundae, I decided to head back home. Martha was up for a Harry Potter marathon, and I was pretty sure there wasn't much else I was able to handle in my exhaustion.

Once we were nearly done with the first movie, Colton started to stir in his stroller.

"Hey sleepy head. Did you have a good nap?" I asked, picking him up.

"Yeah, it was fine. What are you watching?" He asked, clearly big and trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"We're having a Harry Potter marathon, about to start the second movie actually. Let's get you changed, you can join us," I said, and he grinned.

"I love Harry Potter!"

"Yeah, I know. Diaper first, though, let's go," I said, ushering the boy up the stairs.

"Mommy, when do I have those rehearsals again? I just dreamt about the avengers and I realized that I have no idea," he asked while I was changing him, and I chuckled.

"What was the dream about?"

He blushed. "Not important. Let's keep it at you being black widow and a really huge purple poodle."

"That sounds disturbing. The rehearsal is in two days, do you want to go over your lines with me tomorrow?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, okay. Good thing I basically have a photographic memory," he winked, and I blew a raspberry on his stomach before snapping his onesie back shut.

"Photographic memory, huh? That's strong, coming from the guy who loses about half of his pacifiers on a daily basis and is not afraid to cry about it until I retrieve them," I retorted, and he stuck out his tongue.

"Low blow, mommy. Pacifiers are a big deal."

"Yeah, I noticed that this morning," I deadpanned.

He rolled his eyes. "When did you get so snarky?"

"I'm exhausted. My filter is off," I explained, and he chuckled.

"That could either be fun or terrifying. Good thing I'm big, I guess," he said, and I lifted him off the changing table, sending him off in front of me with a pat to his butt.

"When I didn't actually know you yet, Martha and I used to fangirl so hard over you," I chuckled, remembering my obsession with his butt. Something about changing the boy's diapers for half a year had rid me of the obsession.

"We were so excited when you applied to our firm," I added with a laugh.

"I must've been quite the disappointment," Colton said, and I shrugged.

"You were being less than polite, that's true. Then again, you weren't being yourself whatsoever. I wasn't disappointed when I found out who you really were."

"Less than polite's one way to put it. I was a stuck-up, bedwetting assholeish dick who was terrified of everything," he said, and I swatted his butt.

"Language, mister. But yeah, you kind of were. That's why I'm so happy that I got to see the real you. Do you want anything to drink with the movie?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Coke?" He asked hopefully.

I raised an eyebrow sceptically. "Yeah, no sweetheart. Not when I'm too tired to keep you entertained when you're on a sugar or caffeine high. So, water, juice, milk, formula or hot chocolate?"

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